Post funny shit

I don't think Europeans are known for their stereotypical way of thinking, Kevin.
I don't think you understood what I was trying to say. Reading my post back again, I'm not sure I do either. It took me 5 minutes to word that sentence properly and I still think I failed.

Main point: It was supposed to be a joke.
People also need to realize that American schools are not about getting an education; they're mostly little teenage mini-societies that dictate who you will become years later as a person, which is why you typically see the really popular crowd in high school end up bagging groceries because no one in the real world gave a shit that they were homecoming queen. In Europe, the school system is approached in a completely different way. There's no prom or school sports or anything that detracts from the education know, the entire reason we're supposed to be there. Here people go for half a day on Saturday too.
Well we do have Prom, but you're right about the sports. Sport doesn't really become a significant thing (supporting your team, watching their games etc) until University.
Well we do have Prom, but you're right about the sports. Sport doesn't really become a significant thing (supporting your team, watching their games etc) until University.

So what's prom like in the UK? Do people waste ridiculous amounts of money getting dressed up and renting a limo and all that stupid shit?
I never ever went to one dance in all my schooling years. I like to tell people it's because I hated the system and stuff like that, but really I was just too scared to ask any girls to go with me.
Ah, y'see that's probably one difference. Over here (at least in my case) there was no emphasis on the idea of "going with" someone, obviously those already in a relationship would go with their other half, and some students did rather cheesily use Prom as a way of asking a girl out. But there was no "ooh who are you going to ask to Prom?" going on.
Haha cool. Safety in numbers...I'm glad we're not the only ones.

It's fun and all and mainly an excuse to get completely wasted and get laid when you're a junior or a senior, which is a big deal to a teenager. My parents gave me some money for my senior prom and tossed me the keys to the car so, ever the pragmatic rock and metal fans, my friends and I went to the cd shop before dinner, bought a bunch of cds, went to the formal dinner, stayed around for 15 minutes afterwards and then bailed. :lol: Both my and my friends' dates were just good friends of ours so we weren't trying to get in their pants or anything. I figured I could get wasted next weekend, but I wouldn't always have 100 bucks to spend on cds, :lol:.

The next day my mom was like, "What the hell, Christopher? You spent 100 dollars on cds? That money wasn't so you could go shopping!" So I said, "Yeah, mom...I did. Would you rather I spent it on booze and have just vomited it up instead like everyone else?" She said, "Hm. I guess you're I guess not." :lol:
High Schoolers (and we in the adult world as well, unfortunately) in this country kind of rely on social status, hence the "ooh who are you going to ask to Prom?". I'm not saying that other countries don't care about social status but maybe we care about it more?

Or maybe I'm just full of shit. You can blame homework for that (which causes bullshit mode to be switched on).
Prom is seriously big business. If you think about it, it's like a wedding. For people who want to go all out on it, there is serious money to be made. If a restaurant hosts a prom dinner, then that restaurant is going to make a lot of money. If there are 200 people from a big school that all go to prom, then that's 200 people in one night at the restaurant...and if it's a nice restaurant with several courses, that's about 40-50 bucks a plate.
We had the "preps" vs. "the stoners" thing...
Heh. There was a slight "skater kids vs. the stoners" thing going on in my highschool and it was really one sided. The skater kids were really into hating on the stoner kids and the latter just were like "yeah cool story bro." It was funny because i was hanging out with some of the punk skater kids like freshman year and then one day, i was flagged down by a stoner kid who i happened to know. So i meandered over there and the skaters hated me ever since. So silly.

I remember in middle school there was this epic "jocks vs skaters" deal but most of it was all in good fun and a huge gag really. (some took it seriously though.)
I dont know why the redneck crowd was anti-everyone. I guess its deep rooted in their fear of progress i guess.

I never went to prom. Didnt care. Hell, i wasnt even in regular highschool at that time. I was on a independent study program and i didnt even know prom was taking place, let alone to go it. I never went to highschool dances. Well, i went to one. Funnily enough it was the rival school's homecoming dance. I was invited by a friend who attended that school. Super lame it was.
My grandmother bought me mine. It has my name, an Italian flag, and boxing gloves on it. She dropped 300 bucks on the thing and it doesn't fit anymore. :/

Lesson: Rich people something something ??????

And shit, thinking about high school, I would switch back and forth between the Stoner's(myself :D) and the LAN Party/Jillian's (before it was Dave and Busters) fucken DDR playing nerds. They hated each other, rightfully so, but i preferred my stoner friends because where there's weed, cocaine and alcohol, there's freshman girls.
Both my brother and sister got a class ring. It was so silly. I have a little dealie thats shaped like a shield that my parents ordered me. It looks alot like this:

and cost like 12 bucks or something. (of course mine said 1999 on it) They got that for me when i got my cap and gown for graduation. I remember my siblings' class rings costing a fortune.