post metal?

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
do you think this has become a real sub-genre for metal or is it just a form of progressive metal? does it relate closely to post-rock? is it just heavy post-rock?

some bands that come to mind:
mouth of the architect

If you see post-rock as a real sub-genre, I see no reason why a band couldn't be seen as post-metal. Although they do have some dark and progressive metal elements they aren't really either one.... So basically, I see it as a real sub-genre.
Why is it called post-metal?

i dont know, i just saw it on wikipedia.

ive always thought of bands like age of silence, later borknagar, and negura bunget as post black metal. but i think thats a bit different from post metal, though i dont really know why.
For post-black metal I've used the term loosely, using it for bands who start out as black metal and progress away from it. I like these kinds of bands because they tend have an interesting transition period where elements of black metal and elements of their future styles are combined.
why cant post black metal be a subgenre of post metal?
Post-metal tends to mean (post-rock + metal) while post-black is often used to describe bands with nothing to do with post-rock. "Post-black metal" and "avante-garde black metal" seem to be interchangeable.

Post-black and avante-garde black are both pretty misleading terms though, just like "progressive" - they usually describe a specific sound rather than actual progression or innovation.
To me "Post-" means the natural progression of how a certain genre evolves. So for Post-Black metal, Darkthrone would be black metal has they have a the normal BM sound and Blut Aus Nord would be Post-Black Metal has it is more than what normal Black Metal is but is still under the black metal genre.

Their are a lot of good Post-Metal bands...

Blut Aus Nord
goddammit there already is a "post black metal" thread.

*off to find it and merge*

edit: nevermind it wasn't a very good thread worth dredging up
Btw, would Agalloch be considered post-black? They're pretty similar to BM in style (and, I think, theme), just not in mood.
:erk: In the literal sense, perhaps (sense they "fuse" black metal and post rock). "Post black metal" usually refers to Ved Buens Ende and Fleurety, but has been expanded (somehow) to include Arcuturs, Meads of Asphodel, Ephel Duath, Solefald, etc...
Oh, that reminds me, I still haven't heard Virus. From what I read about their album Carheart it's a continuation of VBE's sound just stripped of all BM elements. Sounds interesting.

Also , are Korova(stupid name:p) any good?