Post one song from your favorite band

One of the first five metal bands I ever heard. And, of those bands, the only one that I've never stopped thinking of as one of my favorites.
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Couldn't really decide between part III or IV; normally it is sixes but I gave the nod to IV based on it is not as much of a driving song and has more diversity.


Honorable Mentions:
Redemption - The Fullness of Time Part III: Release
Pain of Salvation - Song for the Innocent
Dream Theater - ACoS, Pull Me Under, Under a Glass Moon
Vanden Plas - Fireroses Dance
Blue Oyester Cult - 7 Screaming Diz Busters, Red & Black (Tyranny and Mutation is one of my favorite albums period)
Rush - Stick it Out, Driven, Nobody's Hero
Marco Sfogli - Andromeda
Andromeda - Two is One