post pics of your castles/mansions/hovels/caves


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
let's try a thread

so i've been living in my house in da countryside since march now and we're starting to get things in semi-order. owning a house is really awesome, let me tell you. here are some pictures of my house:


this is the actual house itself. it's red now but used to be white when it was first built in 1925. in kind of rough shape (but structurally sound, no serious damage, so on and so forth). since 1976 it's been used only as a summer home, so we're the first permanent residents since then. the plan is to restore it to basically its 1925 glory, bit by bit, and we have no idea what we're doing but it's fun.


this is the bedroom


more bedroom


living room. the huge thing beside the piano is a "KAKELUGN". i wouldn't expect you guys to know what it is because it's a swedish invention. basically a highly effective kind of wood stove that is the main means of heating this house, together with backup from electric radiators that are fucking expensive as hell to run so i prefer not to.


more living room




awful 1970's style bathroom, let's not look at this any more than we have to


1980's style kitchen, ugly but works for now


more kitchen


yep sure is a kitchen


let's go upstairs


we're currently insulating the walls and so forth, so yep, the entire top floor either looks like this or like old rooms full of various unsorted crap


"a work in progress"


here is the barn and some of the millions of tons of firewood we've had to chop to survive winter


this is what's inside the stone part of the barn. rehearsal room/studio/etc

the plot is pretty huge and includes a bunch of forest and lawn and a couple minor structures (a li'l guesthouse with a couple of beds in it, and an old playhouse)

so: show me ur places. don't be shy.
do you have like 2 twin size sleeping bags on your bed?!


i "made" the bed just prior to taking the picture

i.e. fluffed up the comforters real good and threw them on the mattress

i agree it looks like i've buried corpses in there, but i assure you i have not and the bed is quite normal

We just moved 2 weeks ago so most things are still in quite a state. The only picture I have is our library in complete disarray. Thankfully the major repairs are done (for now), so we can start organizing things over the next several weeks/months/years.

I am happy that we have a 40 foot tall pine tree right outside. It concerns me that it has possibly tapped into my sewer line for sustenance. Best I can tell, the American Dream means you either go broke quickly or learn to become a hack plumber.

EDIT: My first plan of attack is currently commencing in destroying my lawn. I know that many Californians enjoy a lush green 2.125" tall surface which requires a constant stream of precious water pumped in from many miles away, however given that I live in a GIANT FUCKING DESERT I am letting it all die in order to replace it with a cactus garden full of rock and stone (and cacti) which will be mostly self-sustaining. That way I can use the majority of the extraordinarily modern convenience that is our water service to feed the pending vegetable garden, and of course flush away all of our excrement below the streets whilst nourishing our gorgeous towering pine.
I'll just post what I want. I could live very happily in this tiny cabin thing. It has a bedroom in the back which would be used as an office, and the loft would be the bedroom. I've been a little obsessed with this thing for a while.



this is about 8 or so years ago. the front yard is completely shaded by trees now. that skinny pine tree died. my driveway needs to be pressure washed. the door is completely faded and has cat claw marks all over it. and my garage is full of junk right now, but that will be rectified this week when we donate a boatload of crap. other than that, looks the same nowadays

oh, and i got my tax assessment about a month ago. this house we bought for $152,000 in 2003 is now worth just shy of $200,000. and all because of fucking Exxon relocating about 8 miles down the freeway

Motherfucker made his own Bat Cave, complete with secret entrance
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this is all well and good but you guys need to post more grand tours of your interiors

i mean literally everyone has some sort of digital camera these days, right?
If you really want to see the room we live in, here it is.



That's a hamster house under the table.


Really need to take all those hats down. He never wears them anymore.
Erik, how do you deal with MetalBandNoise way out in the country? I don't have live drums at my place normally, but I would like to some day. I live in suburbia so I'm thinking soundproofing the studio will be my best bet, especially because I live in a very quiet area.

I will post more pictures when things are more organized. We are 90% there right now, not bad for just getting the keys 30 days ago. I never thought that homerepair would be fun, but after the first few times, it almost is. Almost. Thankfully my wife does most of it, haha!
Okay I took some photos with my horrible, horrible cell phone camera. I'll take better ones when this is all complete. And then put them on Redfin to sell this place, along with all my worldly possessions, and go live in a small apartment somewhere far, far away from any major city. Until then, I will enjoy this 1,308 square foot castle.


This was the collected pile of filth leftover by the previous owners. We didn't buy a shortsale or foreclosure. Nope, we gave them $260,000 and they left us their garbage. It was mostly christian propaganda books and trash. Jeep shown for perspective. Also shown, one of the three mulberry trees.


Our giant pine tree. It is massive and I love it.


Our big palm tree. It is sizable and I love it.


Thanks to my guitarist/electrician in Poor Dumb Dad, we are now up to 1996 electrical code.


Here is our living room. We don't have a family room, but we do have a Lovesac, and that is okay.


This is where bassfuzz occurs. Soon there will be rockin' posters up all over.


Here are many CDs, my tombak, and a box guitar made out of reclaimed wood from Montana. Also you will notice two Bachelor degrees on the floor. Those will come in very handy as wall decoration soon enough.


There are a lot of books in my library. This is most of them. I do not own a single digital book and I never fucking will. The rolled up rug is exquisite. My father-in-law purchased it for $5 at a yard sale. He came from a line of rug weavers in ancient Persia and knew quality when he saw it. He stumbled upon this somewhere in California, knew that $5 was a steal, but still offered $3 anyhow. You can take the boy out of the bazaar, but not the bazaar out of the boy.


This is the rest of the books, our modest DVD collection, some paintings still on the floor, some TurboGrafx + Playstation video games, and a large box full of pillows.


A pile of shit that nobody needs. Fun fact: the Dell box on the right side of the photograph was originally packed when I first moved out of my parents' house... in 2001. It will likely sit unmolested until our next move (and probably the one after).


This is my kitchen, several pairs of wool socks, and a pile of donations. The pile of shit shown above will help this pile of GTFO grow very soon.


How do you know when you are organzing the NAD Family Library? When you open a box and find this.

NOT PICTURED: a fully organized house, a master bedroom, the carhole, our nice sized yard, and the two shitting rooms.
What's up with the assholes leaving all that shit behind??
When we moved into our place the previous owner was still in the process of packing up. It was legally our house. And we were just like "well.....ok then"
The 2014 Dorian would've just been like "get out....or I'm callin tha PO-lice"
I like the Swedes' houses, especially Tranq's

And everyone else's. I love all of you.
Erik, how do you deal with MetalBandNoise way out in the country? I don't have live drums at my place normally, but I would like to some day. I live in suburbia so I'm thinking soundproofing the studio will be my best bet, especially because I live in a very quiet area.
i don't deal at all. the stone walls in the barn are made out of 40 cm thick stone but the windows and doors leak sound like crazy and i don't think there's much to do about that. but let me put it this way: here is the google street view for my house


so there is really only one neighbour who could even be potentially annoyed by me playing terrible drum solos, and he's given me an explicit ok, he doesn't mind at all

nice place btw, i love how it's like nad's teenage bachelor pad 1998 but TO THE EXTREME with books and music stuff everywhere

are you sure you're living with a woman

The rolled up rug is exquisite. My father-in-law purchased it for $5 at a yard sale. He came from a line of rug weavers in ancient Persia and knew quality when he saw it. He stumbled upon this somewhere in California, knew that $5 was a steal, but still offered $3 anyhow.
hahaha don't worry, when it is all Said / Done it will be very tidy. That's when you know a woman lives there. Also there will be Dracula and Amélie posters everywhere. That's when you know my wife lives there. We're a couple of old teenagers, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

I thought your barn was the best part, but clearly that Google Street View is the ultimate piece to your castle. I love it.