Your home: How do you live? Feel free to post some pics too


Nov 7, 2005
So, you little bastards, how do you live? Huge castle, in a shitty rehearsalplace, home at mom and dad's? In the city or out in the bushes? Feel free to describe as much as you like :Spin:

I guess I'll have to start.
I live in a small apartment (one room, a "kitchen", a bathroom and a hall) with my two rats. Moved away from mom and dad's house when I was 17 and well, here I am. I will post some pics of my place later on if I dare haha.

What about you?
I live in between two cities, in the middle of the jungle :lol: just kidding, it's a house a little close to the bushes...

The backyard. I don't have a proper pic, but...
TheSeldomlaid said:
I live in a mini-flat by myself, share bathroom with one guy, and I share kitchen with 6 other people. Quite ok, actually :) Been here for close to 3 years now :D

As for pictures, I'd have to clean up a bit before I took any, so...never gonna happen :lol:

Cleaned the sink yet?

What lars forgot to mention is that his sink is covered in pubic hair :lol:
I live bymyself in a 575 quare foot apartment in downtown denver. It's a quiet building, but the place across the street got torn apart by cops when they busted a meth lab in one of the units. i will post pics when i get home.
TheSeldomlaid said:
I live in a mini-flat by myself, share bathroom with one guy, and I share kitchen with 6 other people. Quite ok, actually :) Been here for close to 3 years now :D

As for pictures, I'd have to clean up a bit before I took any, so...never gonna happen :lol:

I would never want to share my bathroom nor kitchen with someone else and especially not for three years! I admire you :worship:

C'mon! Do some christmascleaning and show us:D
I will clear up all beerboxes and textiles that's lying around here, and then take some pics... but hmm.. the boys are coming over on friday so I guess I'll clean after that. They're fucking pigs, just messing up my place ;P Boys boys boys...
Excess said:
I would never want to share my bathroom nor kitchen with someone else and especially not for three years! I admire you :worship:

C'mon! Do some christmascleaning and show us:D
I will clear up all beerboxes and textiles that's lying around here, and then take some pics... but hmm.. the boys are coming over on friday so I guess I'll clean after that. They're fucking pigs, just messing up my place ;P Boys boys boys...

I'm up at his over new year.. clean or not, i'll get a photo :)
Excess said:
I would never want to share my bathroom nor kitchen with someone else and especially not for three years! I admire you :worship:

C'mon! Do some christmascleaning and show us:D
I will clear up all beerboxes and textiles that's lying around here, and then take some pics... but hmm.. the boys are coming over on friday so I guess I'll clean after that. They're fucking pigs, just messing up my place ;P Boys boys boys...

Oi there, not all boys are pigs :p
My place always looks like a bombed whorehouse when my girlfriend's been around, it's not my fault! :p But I'm gonna clean this mess up one of these days anyways, in a vain hope that it might stay clean until x-mas :D

And of course you admire me, that's natural instinct :)

Ok, I'll clean when you clean, deal? :p
Flat in glasgow, couple rooms toilet, shower, crappy kitchen and a garden - which is awesome for BBQ's. Not too brilliant...and smells kinda funky :D

My folks live in Dumfries in the south of scotland and i moved out when i was 17, its a huge house...and i miss that place :(
Im STILL livin at Home with my parents :zombie: and we have a pretty old house (well we dont own it but have rented it for Sooo many years) it is really old and shitty thoue and damn the carpets r sooo ugly puke color green (dont get me wrong most shades of green i love) and than our kitchin is tiny its hard to fit two people into it and the carpet in it is even worse its a brownish burnt orange with wirdo 60s shapes in the same ugly green than the steps for the basment go bright (also ugly green) one step than bright ugly orange the next like that the whole way down *shuders* i could go on :p ill try n get some pix sometime soon haha and its ALways a mess here :p nice thread
lady of bodom said:
Im STILL livin at Home with my parents :zombie: and we have a pretty old house (well we dont own it but have rented it for Sooo many years) it is really old and shitty thoue and damn the carpets r sooo ugly puke color green (dont get me wrong most shades of green i love) and than our kitchin is tiny its hard to fit two people into it and the carpet in it is even worse its a brownish burnt orange with wirdo 60s shapes in the same ugly green than the steps for the basment go bright (also ugly green) one step than bright ugly orange the next like that the whole way down *shuders* i could go on :p ill try n get some pix sometime soon haha and its ALways a mess here :p nice thread

Omfg...! Girl, what you just described made me both laugh and cry haha. I'm looking forward to see ur pix! (I think? :p)