post pix of your home


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
did we ever have this thread? i dunno. i think it's kind of interesting to see how folks live so post pics of your home or DIE




this is an one bedroom + kitchen flat in a wooden house that's about 100 years old. it's cheap and cheerful



the kitchen is more of a total desaster because i don't spend much time there and i REALLY HATE doing the dishes, it is the worst household chore ever. those are my tomater plants in the window, they're pretty kewl. also ya that stove is filthy, get off my back about it

now your turn break out that DIGITAL CAMERA


Those pics are not all that recent though. Since those were taken, 4 fish tanks have appeared. This is the bedroom that my brother Phil existed in until he moved in with his girlfriend. It is much better than a closet.

The house itself, pretty generic & cheaply built but it works.
edit: for Erik - your home is seriously that neat? what the fuck!

nice looking place though, i'd live in it but then it wouldn't look so nice anymore
i remember a similar thread that you started some years ago ... that one was about "your room"
I live in my dad's basement. BECAUSE I AM AWESOME.

First, the home itself:


And the view from the porch:


And the backyard currently under construction for more garden room (needs like more than these 2... it's wide... but fucking taking 5 pictures) :

Now for the inside:



Pool and Foosball room with shitty fake fireplace that is never used (the TV and couch are temporary till we can dump them) :


Theres a room thats not finished yet that gets finished over the next month (paint, floor, etc.) but it's in a state of disarray and taking a picture is pointless.

Then there's the studio:

Looking into the vocal booth and closet that's sadly in the only place the booth could be located:


Then there's some stacks of speakers and computers and shit sitting around:


Theres more shit, instruments, speakers, gears etc... nothing worth noting.

It's a start. Old man is working on getting it lean and mean.

And finally... theres my room. I'll ignore that everything behind where the picture is taken exists and let you see the LEAST dirty part of this sty:


That is also where I spend most of my time and am typing this very second!

Shit yeah houses.

Edit: Cut 2 pictures since I was hitting the limit or some shit. I'm now under the limit.
do you smoke by the computer or do you have a dust generator hanging from the ceiling

nice studio though, also nice mountains
do you smoke by the computer or do you have a dust generator hanging from the ceiling

nice studio though, also nice mountains

I smoke by it and the room is a fucking dust pile. Seriously, if I took a picture behind what you're seeing you'd shit bricks. :lol:

Edit: Also, I rarely use the studio... thats more of the old mans cave. I go in and play around every once in a fuck, BUT I SUCK DICK AT INSTRUMENTING.
haha that's artsy but not very descriptive

i like the one with the stairs very much