Post pictures of where you live

Oh, I left for many reasons... mainly because at that time I felt like I *needed* to go to school for better career options (at that time in Toronto)and I didn;t know if I wanted to go to school in TO and be so far from family as a student... then I moved back to Israel and moved to Holland... now, I'm far away again... on the same land... it fits in my life now, I guess back then it didnt. I love TO though... I had a great time. Maybe one day i'll come back
you know... it's what you make out of a place that counts..
I really love it here. for this time of my life, this works out for me. Who knows where I'll be in 2-3 years?
and btw... I really like living in the US. It's such a huge country, it really depends where you live... No-VA kicks ass so far.

This is the view from my front window:

This is the only picture I've ever added my signature too. It was mainly an experiment.. I'm still not sure if I like it or not:



My home on Sundays in the Fall:





I really love it here, and don't forsee myself ever leaving.
Alexandria is amazing. Not quite as amazing as it was Circa 1st Cent. B.C but it's still an interesting place to visit. Especially if you can overcome local bureaucracy and get a diving permit. :)