Post-processing and bussing multiple rhythm guitar tracks


Santa Hat Forever
when you have for example quadtracked guitars with 2 different amp/guitar settings (like each amp tracked twice), how do you go by on routing these tracks and in what stage do you do what? Let's say you'd just do some simple Eqing like HP/LP and some cuts and boosts for tone and fitting in the mix.

Would you work every track differently and then see how they sound together? Do you first bus them together and then apply a general LP/HP filtering to all tracks so they all fit in the same space? Small eqing individually and then more general filtering in the bus? How do you go about it?
Try and get my tones as good as possible first. Then bus l and r seperately and apply any cuts that might need doing if there are any little spikes. Then bus em together and lp/hp comp and any additive eq. Also throw on any saturation plugs and what not onto here.

Drums kick by itself, everything else by itself but then snrs together, toms together, hats and ohs together and rooms together then all to one I call master drums bus.
Generally same amps to same bus, and then to a bus which has all rhythm guitars. I might do them with a left and right side bus instead, if the left and right sides are played with a different guitar and/or different player. I might also eq before the bus if I need to, but it's mostly very little tweaks. Most often my guitar tracks have lately been just HP & LP in the bus and perhaps a cut in the low mids for less mud.
I pretty much have an eq on each track only pulling out the nasty parts and my hi / low pass ...

then I bus all 4 to one stereo aux and apply my coloring / shaping eqs into saturation plug and then maybe one more eq after just in case the saturation brings back anything I didn't want
My method involves a few busses/groups in Cubase. First, if I'm working with dual tracked then I create a stereo bus named "GTRS," pan each guitar track accordingly (gtr left and right) and then bus them to "GTRS." Then I apply EQ, etc. to only that bus, since it's the same there is no need to do it on individual tracks.

For quad, same deal unless using different tones for the 2nd set of takes. If different tones then create three stereo busses. First one labeled "5150" or whatever amp, second labeled "Krank" or whatever, 3rd name it GTRS. Do the same procedure as above basically. The "5150" bus will have it's own EQ, etc., same for "Krank" and then "GTRS" will also have an EQ and probably limiting.

That's how I do it.
My method involves a few busses/groups in Cubase. First, if I'm working with dual tracked then I create a stereo bus named "GTRS," pan each guitar track accordingly (gtr left and right) and then bus them to "GTRS." Then I apply EQ, etc. to only that bus, since it's the same there is no need to do it on individual tracks.

For quad, same deal unless using different tones for the 2nd set of takes. If different tones then create three stereo busses. First one labeled "5150" or whatever amp, second labeled "Krank" or whatever, 3rd name it GTRS. Do the same procedure as above basically. The "5150" bus will have it's own EQ, etc., same for "Krank" and then "GTRS" will also have an EQ and probably limiting.

That's how I do it.

exact same, only in logic and its 5150, RECTO, WINDSOR for quad tracking haha

but yeah, hi/lo pass on gtr bus, so like amps sound cohesive

thats how I do