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i didnt see this:lol:
Yeah, my friends always like to poke fun at me about it when we get together on the anniversary of my night with Jack. It was like a christmas party and I got drunk very quickly, I was passed out in the bathroom by like 11:30 haha. While I was curled up in there my friends discovered I had basically downed the whole fifth of Jack to myself haha.
O man my first night with Mr. Daniels didn't turn out so good, now just thinking about the taste makes me frown.

on my first real night o fdrinking i bought a quart of jack and drank almost all of it (and im like....150 pounds), ive never been so sick.

i tried drinking it again recently (2 years later), picked up the bottle.......stared deeply into the dark liquid........felt my stomach enter my throat and put the bottle back