Post random pics of yourself

many many pages without pics... got more caps from mah holidays today so I'm going to share two of them.

me in the beach

me, gf, friends and our awesome campfire... songs played that night, mostly eddie vedder and opeth :)
between 28 and 30 degrees celsius in the coast the hottest days in summer... central valley (santiago), 35 degrees celsius, is better to be in the beach those days :p
yeah !!! fuck, last summer was fucking bad, I didn't go to the beach at all... I remember I had a dream like months ago, that i was in the beach, music was playing, hot girls playing volley as usual, and it felt like fucking paradize, i wanted to go to the beach when i woke up but it was fucking rianing !!!!
Yeah Chicago winters were the worst. Arizona winters...well here in Phoenix they're nonexistent :) Then again in a month or so it's going to start to be fucking hot as a motherfuck.
Ill take fucking hot as a motherfuck over this weather anyday. Srsly.
We don't even have a spring anymore, it goes straight from winter into summer. Even last summer it hit 90 degrees maybe 3 times which is weak sauce cause i have a pool that barely gets used.