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1900:- for everything! A single speaker in the cabinet alone is worth more than that! This is a vintage Peavey Amplifier from 1978, pure raw bass power that can play loud as a motherfucker! I do not even know how much it is worth but it has more punch and killer tone than any Ampeg or an EBS amplifier that I have tried :)

damn :OMG: you find me a great guitar amp for the same price and i'll be your sex slave forever. or i can make it a threat; you find me a great guitar amp for the same price and i'll not be your sex slave... at all!
damn :OMG: you find me a great guitar amp for the same price and i'll be your sex slave forever. or i can make it a threat; you find me a great guitar amp for the same price and i'll not be your sex slave... at all!

You could start by using a real amplifier cable between your amp and speaker instead of that guitar cable you use now, I can bet my left hand that it will instantly sound better :)
You're a bass player, why don't go be inaudible!

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Picture of me and the bass amplifier and speaker cabinet I bought today almost criminally cheap:)



Nice amp.

You're a bass player, why don't go be inaudible!

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Well if i were to be inaudible, Mcbagel would not know where in the songs we were half at the times and if Mcbagel loses pace or tempo or screws up then both of the retards at the guitar will lose pace or tempo or screw up :)