Post random pics of yourself


:lol: not my best work :p

:lol: Me likes! But would it be too much to ask if you could make the hat red(not being said in a pejorative way) ? :)
:lol: mira el primer post en la segunda pagina :p...y sobre el reloj, yo no puedo vivir sin un reloj, siento como si he perdido algo cuando no tengo mi reloj :lol:
I wish girls around here liked Bloodbath... actually I bet there are quite a few but they hide underground and only rise up once on every full moon.
They talk loud? Haha. European girls sound pretty..... cool..... :lol:

It's their dialect, not really spanish but "andaluz"... common in southern spain.

Northern spain is way different, that's the spain I like, where they speak castellano, the proper spanish :)

damn emetic... you're avatar rocks already :erk: don't change it!!!!