Post random pics of yourself


cut my hair today

I will sleep on it :)


your dick?

With the slick back you look like a guy I work with :lol: Freaky

:lol: must be a good looking guy, say hello to him from me :blush:

Better than blowjobs? Not many things


aw, don't be sad jewnaz :)

joakim, i don't believe you cut your hair :|
why the fuck did you do so???

you don't believe i cut my hair, yet you ask me why i did? :lol:

If he intends on looking like that I we must start to wear masks, slipknot style :(


don't worry though jonas, i just cut the ends, i'm still part ov da long hair crew :)
Thats what I thought :lol:

You should have seen Matt's face when I showed him that pic. He was blank for a few seconds then pissed himself laughing while saying WTF??? when did I do that??