Post random pics of yourself

^Same here :)

Why the :( smiley? :(

Because I really need regular clothes as well, metal t-shirts are not okey when you are a teacher really....The headmaster called me to his office and gave me loads upon loads of shit for just wearing a judas priest "Screaming for vengance" shirt...the stupid bastard acctually thought it was offensive! HOW CAN A JUDAS PRIEST ALBUM COVER OF A ROBOT BIRD BE OFFENSIVE!!!???
Darkgift, do they let you work with bands t shirts?
I hate it when some jobs require suits and shits like that !
I hate it, I will probably have suits + converse + cravate with the Opeth O at the bottom + long hair in order to piss every stupid one off..
It's not offensive, but I do agree with him that methulz t-shirts shouldn't be at a school :erk:

How old are the students you teach?

Well I do not teach at the moment I still ahve a year to go before I'm finished with my studies but I will teach students either 12-15 years old or 16-19 years i hardly think they will be offended by a Judas Priest t-shirt or a motörhead t-shirt...It's not like i would wear an antichristian/ pro-satan black metal shirt or a gory/obscene death metal shirt.

Well I do not teach at the moment I still ahve a year to go before I'm finished with my studies but I will teach students either 12-15 years old or 16-19 years i hardly think they will be offended by a Judas Priest t-shirt or a motörhead t-shirt...It's not like i would wear an antichristian/ pro-satan black metal shirt or a gory/obscene death metal shirt.


Ah okay, well then you should just wear whatever that is not TOO gory :p
Try one day pull on the same shirt I have with SYL, this is what it says on the back:

