Post random pics of yourself

public class Exam

private String examStatus;

public void hoxMeister()
examStatus = "I'm gonna get a fucking A on my exam in Java programming, w00t!";

hox.commenceDrunkenness("Heineken", sixpacks, sunshine, happiness);

System.out.println("HOORAY FOR ME! :)");

}//End method hoxMeister
}//End class Exam

Kiting with the cheapest kites we could find!


Let's see.. It was in the middle of the night, me and my best buddy were shitfaced, and decided to take a biking trip! On that trip, we encountered a dark creature. We tried to take a picture, but all we saw was a pair of red eyes.. Later on we found out it was a cow.. a demon cow. Sadly, the picture has disappeared.


Drinking wine from a bag on said biking trip - no biking trip is complete without a bag of white wine!


Mexican night.. Tacos, mexican piss beer AKA Corona.. and of course, Tequila! And despite the.. warm clothing-style, I am still very much grim and frostbitten.


The only way to sleep after a hard night of drinking.. Weird hand poses, headset on my head.. sleeping on top of my iPod. I fell to sleep listening to Bloodbath and Opeth every night. :cool: