Post random pics of yourself

For the non swedish people...

Once a year the Swedish Cancer Fund has a "contest" called Mustaschkampen... mustachefight(?).
Men start their own fund, grow a mustache and raise money for prostate cancer.
So far I have gathered something around 70USD.
It ends tomorrow, l'l shave it off next week, maybe. :)

that's awesome!

good reason to grow a mustache too
I shall post a pic then.


very nice pic :) friends rulz!!!!

.... i think...

I don't have friends...

banana forevah alone
Scav jel to sada ove godine u januaru kada su bili Nile, Melechesh i zaboravila sam ko jos. Znam da neki bendovi nisu hteli da sviraju, da je organizator nesto zeznuo.
Da, organizator nije organizovao struju kako treba i sve je zakasnilo dok se nije osposobilo jedno 2 sata najmanje. Barem su Melechesh malo nesto svirali, Nile naravno kao glavni bend je imao vise vremena za svirku. Treci bend je bese Dewscented il tako nesto.