Post random pics of yourself

Thats the rules and right now as fucked up as everything is here in America im just glad to have a Job. Atleast im in a nice AC/heated building and i can get online when ever the fuck i want. My manager dont give a flying fuck but when the big head guys of AT&T comes to inspect the stores they judge ya on the way you look and its like the fucking Army. I wear that black shirt and tie to work all the time.

When I did my field studies as a teacher the head teacher told me I could not wear my Judas priest next day I put on a motörhead T-shirt instead. She told me once again that I should wear proper clothing but since there is no such law or rule in Swedish schools I kindly told her "No" :)
I have no problems at work, I mean, I use a t-shirt with the name of the company but that's it, beard or not well, whatever, I have long hair, whatever, some guys are all covered in tatoos, whatever, as long as you don't look like you're some neonazi-punk-like dude and your clothes are clean then it's ok :)
When I did my field studies as a teacher the head teacher told me I could not wear my Judas priest next day I put on a motörhead T-shirt instead. She told me once again that I should wear proper clothing but since there is no such law or rule in Swedish schools I kindly told her "No" :)

Some of the few Getaway pics I have

Qth came and everyone was amused

Fueling up on Death Metal food

Into the beerness, into the grave?!

Some underground band I've never heard of went up on stage and screamed, some Opeth guy and some bond villain guy were looking


Gene Simmons came up and said HEHEY