Post random pics of yourself


Some random pic of myself :)

you've got style!!!! you look more like a rocker than a methul guy... I have no style at all, pants: black or military pants... t-shirt: black with some methul logo and that's it :lol: am I a weird bloodbath fan? D:

not as weird as me because, I look like a methul guy but, most of the time, I'm listening to a lot of not-so-methul music :loco: people see me walking on the streets with a black t-shirt and headphones and they always step aside, it's like they are afraid of me, even when I'm in a good mood, listening to some pop female singer :lol:
lol..Im the opposite..Im walking on the street with normal clothing and hearing some br00tal stuff lol, and they ask me: What are you listening to? and I show them and they're like :erk: but of course I like 70's prog :loco: me