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My little brother is obsessed with that program! I have never actually watched it

but wiki says:


Scylla is The Company's data file that contains all of it's personnel files and more.
[edit] About

Due to its grand importance, the leaders of the Company decided to divide Scylla into six electronic cards so it would be virtually impossible for anyone to steal all of them and unlock the information. Also,to unlock Scylla,a decoder box is required. It is found out the decoder box is in the Headquarters of The Company in Los Angeles, in front of the Gate Corporation's building. In fact, Scylla is a small portable data device containing information on alternative forms of energy, including B:Ar:Ga:In solar cells. The 6 cards thought to be Scylla are in fact simply keys to unlock the device thought to be the decoder, which is now known to be the container for the actual Scylla device. The 6 keys unlock the container, and Scylla can be removed.
nope, in the last episode they changed everything, now it seems that scylla is something good, something that could change the world as we know it, the key of a new technology :D