Post random pics of yourself

Because I took that picture with my cam, of course it doesn't look that bad. It's much darker and all that, and brown and ewwww.
Have to admit though, first time I ever worked with oil paint, normally use acrylic, hell of a difference.
I used to make drawings... some of them quite good, I was particulary interested on "hands", I dropped it when I started to get into problems because I was obsesed with hellraiser and I based my draws on the cenobites... I was 13 years old and my parents were quite worried, haha. :loco:
the main problem with my drawings was that my lil' bro started to have nightmares with them so, they asked me to change the subject, I got pissed cause I was a stupid kiddo and I thought they were trying to controll me, so I dropped it... :erk:
some of the greatest artwork ever.

some random person on deviantart i think, from Ukraine.

The band saw the persons art and asked him to make something to thier ideas and that was the result
listen to it and be prepared to get lost in some other world of tranquillity

words really cant describe the music