Post random pics of yourself


We're so charming. :rolleyes:
This is probably the only picture I like from last week:lol:
:lol: epic

:lol: that's happened to me so many times. One time I stayed at a friend's house and I was so fucked up that I couldn't bother to get up and go to the toilet, so I just puked right next to the couch in his living room :lol: he wan't happy the next day

I once puked ON MY BROTHER'S HEAD. I was 6 years old at the time...felt weak and couldn't be bothered to go puke in the loo..

Pics of me:

Edit: Damn, these are shit, lemme find some better ones..

last new years i got retarded drunk, didnt throw up though

next day i woke up..............felt like shit

walked down the hall, got a glass of juice, went to the bathroom for a sit-down pee, i bold that so you understand how i felt :heh:, stood up, turned around and threw up all over the place, luckily.............i was already in the bathroom and my puke looked like the juice :)
you all know my puke stories outdo yours so just stop right there :p

What? You never vomited in your brother's hair.

i puke much too often and in much to grotesque ways

I used to puke a lot aged 12 due to lactose intolerance. Once puked in my schoolbag.....didn't have to do any work, cause all my books were covered in vomit. My poor mother had to clean em up.

Oh, another good vomit anecdote. I was messing around in the playground with my niece who was 12 at the time. She wanted me to make the roundabout go faster, so I did...and instead of staring at a moving part I just kept looking at surroundings....I vomited everywhere, it made a huge arc around the roundabout cause it was still moving. My niece almost killed herself laughing....wanted to take a picture...
^dear god did someone save you :O?

lol those vomit stories were the best, i never thought a story would make me wish id thrown up more in my life:zombie: