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Uh-hu, hats right. The Feraliminal Lycanthropizer is a low frequency thanato-auric wave generator. Known for its use by the Nazis and for its animalizing effects on human subjects tested within measurable vibratory proximity, the machine electrically generates two subsonic sinewaves - one 3hz, the other 9hz. Together, these two frequencies (one acting as carrier, the other as program) generate a lower third, .56hz.

In addition to these sinewave generators, the machine contains four tapeloops of unduplicable lengths, each containing textual material. Two of these loops operate below the threshold of decipherability (one forward, the other backwards), and two operate far beyond the opposite threshold (also one forward, the other backwards). The effect of the subsonic sinewaves on the sound of these human voice recordings is one of organic ululation.

But this aurotic environment, with its sensual, undeniably aphrodisiacal effect on subjects, is peripheral to the machine's essential function: to trigger states of urgency and fearlessness, and to disarmour the intimate charms of the violent child within. While the 9hz, 3hz and .56hz wavelengths together signal a state of high-level ferocity and austerity in subjects within approximately four yards, the Trithemean incantations richly pervading the machine's aural output produce feelings of aboveness and unbridled openess.

The combination of drastically contrasting emotional trigger mechanisms results in an often profound behavioral enhancement which occurs strikingly soon (within moments) after the user enters and remains in the auricular field of the machine. This patently Plecidic enhancement is described in a study by the inventor, Bill Jenkins, as "Sensitive Disturbance," an "atomic catharsis of nucleopatriphobic anxieties and freeze-locking, thanatotic armor." (1)

Documented experiments include cases in which subjects previously unacquainted with one another are found freely sharing inner thoughts, secrets and/or vulnerable feelings, in several cases to the point of impetuously shedding the veil of clothing. Others involve extraordinary strength and detailed focus of will: a dilettante, Catalonian national using the machine daily over a period of five or six weeks eventually managed to ingratiate himself to Adolf Hitler, persuade his quarry to adopt the swastika as high totem and emblem of the burgeoning National Socialist Conference, and justify his swift departure from Aryan allies by returning to Germany in 1942 to present Hitler with the inestimable graces of the Dalai Lama.

Walter Stevens, Assistant Director of Secret Operations, a primary artery of the National Security Council, which receives its research subsidies from the NSA, has intimated to a former NSA agent that the Feraliminal Lycanthropizer was used extensively during and after the Viet Nam War as a truth serum, helping to liberate essential information from American war criminals and distraught POWs. Although Stevens cannot be quoted directly, and naming our intermediary would be a breach of trust, we do hold in our possession public domain photographs explicitly documenting use of the Feraliminal Lycanthropizer at the scene of such an interrogation.
thelastwithpaganblood likes to use extremely long and boringly complex definitions.

i like feralyminalalifijfdks explanation on her name far better. she sumed it for me in an easy sentence. "a machine that causes instant insanity" or some shit like that... if i remember correctly...
Demons aka Pepito as they call him in ORL claims to be the only white dude on his street. Also had big tree problems during huricane. He also spends countless hours guarding a paking lot as security where he sleeps and whised he could drink tequilla like some over yonder the Rio Grande heathen. He also composes some great midi files.
pepito? O_o

ya i do claim to be the only white dude on my street... and speaking of midi files i got a few new ones if you wanna hear em :D

belgar aka crab cakes as they call him in TPA is among a great foreign exchange program and came to us on a raft from belgium. he spends many hours playing the japanese flying game "Flight Simulator 2004: Kamikazee Mission". He also spends his weekend nights with guiness and jager while listening to many tabit midi files i composed.
Belgar said:
Demons aka Pepito as they call him in ORL claims to be the only white dude on his street. Also had big tree problems during huricane. He also spends countless hours guarding a paking lot as security where he sleeps and whised he could drink tequilla like some over yonder the Rio Grande heathen. He also composes some great midi files.
...and thats why me and Phil are LIFERS maaan, cause there's always gonna be that pull in us that makes us want to live...on...the...edge.....everyday of our on the edge....everyday of your life....

When I was 16 I burned my parents house dooown...
Thrymfal said:
Patric once conspired to to overthrow the world's collective governments by getting high and hanging out
Why know what I'm saying? I mean...why...fucking...not.

By the way guys as far as taking care of your marijuana plants, it's all over. I'm ditching the greenhouse education and I'm getting educated as either a carpenter or dog shrink.
Celtik Militia said:
Thrymfal likes his women like he likes his coffee. ground up and in the freezer. :rolleyes:
you did not do this guy justice!!! allow me.

Thrymfal is very knowledgable and jovial. Hes a jack of all trades! he could easily slap the dogshit out of everyone with his four paragraph essay explanations for everything, but he doesnt. If i ever run into Thrymfal, Ill be sure to Romper-stomp his ass, then he will stab me in the belly with a fork. so fucking brutal.

He is also going to see Caustic christ (maybe?) that has members of Aus-rotten in it. damn crusties rule.
Neat! I couldn't have said it better myself! except for in my version, i scoop your brains out through your ass with a soup spoon! It's quite a reach, like trying to get something off the top shelf, but, damn, is it rewarding!