Post the funniest/sickest/stupidest Grind or Death Metal Lyrics

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Dec 4, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Only Tools And Corpses (2003)
Can't Fit Her Limbs In The Fridge

"I put her next to lollies and the packets of peas
With all frozen dinners placed precuriously by her knees
No room in my fridge cos it's full of her Barcardi Breezers
I've had to chop her up to fit her in the freezer

A freshly sharpened knife with a shiny blade
Holding the stump of her hand pretending to wave
Popped her eyes out and craved off her nose
Kept in a bag with her little fingers and toes
I'll eat her in a stew so she's always with me
My freezer's full of limb so there's plenty to eat

I can't fit her limbs in the fridge
I can't fit her dead limbs in the fridge"

You really can't take the lyrics seriously without laughing but it's still :headbang:
"Crack my skull inside my head once alive now braindead
Stick a needle in my skin- I can't feel a fucking thing
I can't control the way I have lived through the horror the terror the murders
Tap the vein and let it flow, slow
Inside my heart, cold and hollow
I feel no remorse
My heart beats but I think I'm deceased
Braindead time to pull the plug
Braindead I feel no love
Braindead you've stopped breathin
Braindead I'm hunting humans this season "

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