Post yer suggestions for new vocalist

man there's no fucking way for anyone to outdo mikael nor peter, fuck it, get over it bloodbath it's already dead.....
I'd like to hear someone similar to Peter on that last album. So powerful...
A cool idea would be to use a different vocalist for each song. Kind of like a death metal Probot. I know they won't, though, because they want someone new and permanent.
Tumm are you fucking kidding? Peter's (vader) vocals are perfectly fit vaders style. Granted they wouldn't fit bloodbath but it's a harsh to say they are crap. (yes, i know everyone has their own opinion)
I don't like Vader because I hate the vocals, so no I'm not kidding, and that's another reason why he would suck even more for Bloodbath.
Tumn said:
I don't like Vader because I hate the vocals, so no I'm not kidding, and that's another reason why he would suck even more for Bloodbath.

ah man! u dont like metal?
everybody likes Vader...or should, else u dont know much bout metal.
Oh GOD! Its Vader were talking about! Vader for christ sake! Do u read me?! VADER!

Now u lost the little respect i had for u :mad: