Post yer suggestions for new vocalist

We just need a 2 CD set to come out.

Disc 1 - BD + RTC - with Peter on vocals
Disc 2 - NMF - with Mike on vocals

The music tracks are already done, it would only take each vocalist a day or two to get down all the vocals for the albums! This would be true insanity and kick major ass!
Tumn said:
We just need a 2 CD set to come out.

Disc 1 - BD + RTC - with Peter on vocals
Disc 2 - NMF - with Mike on vocals

The music tracks are already done, it would only take each vocalist a day or two to get down all the vocals for the albums! This would be true insanity and kick major ass!

cool opinion
lucifer1126 said:
i really dont see why not on Christian's vocal.. if u guys havent heard of them try em out, it doesn't hurt. Unless...u hate melodic stuff, then check out Unmoored instead. or click on my banner.

Wtf, stupid band...they are not melodic...and they are certainly not death. they think they are so original in their sound but they sound just like another nu-metal band.

plz, dont destroy this forum with overadvertised bitches.
Just think about that 2 Disc thing though, what band has ever done something as crazy and awesome as that? Bloodbath could do that easily and I don't think anyone would complain.
breeding death said:
Wtf, stupid band...they are not melodic...and they are certainly not death. they think they are so original in their sound but they sound just like another nu-metal band.

plz, dont destroy this forum with overadvertised bitches.
then what is melodic? Do you know what melody is? Or are you just an ignorant, close-minded music "lover?" :erk: And who said Scar Symmetry thought they are "so original?"

BTW, STFU about the nu-metal thing.:)