ok shut up all of you.
as much as i love my new puppy and i love dogs, the fact is that CATS are smarter than dogs and if you all too dumb to grt it, ill tell you why.
cats are in the same group with other intelligent animals such as Dolphines, Racoons, and so on...
the reason they are smart (and pay good attention) is because all of the above (including cats) can use their brain independently, which means:
unlike a dog, or unlike a parrot: they dont copy YOU.
they act on their own.
the mistake most people do by saying: "ooh cats are not friendly all they want is your food"
is because you constantly insist on comparing a cat to a dog.
thats a stupid thing to do.
what about humsters????????????? they only want your food too.
Guerrilla: if you want to own a pet - then yes, a dog is the pet for you.
but after living with one VERY smart dog (my dog in israel won two medals for being smart- i am serious) and two cats, i can tell you for sure, cats are amazing!!!!
anyways, you need to read a book or two about that.
but who cares. its your opinion
and above all- i love you guerrilla
now lets talk about some bad ass pictures................................................
Larf03: that forest picture is CLASSIC! i love it!!!!
mah: despite the fact you dared to compare a cat to a fly (!!!!) i still love you and sean together in pictures

you guys are so cute

(err..... aham, i mean BAD ASS!!! not cute!!!)