R Ric fN Dec 6, 2007 255 0 16 Germany www.lastfm.de Mar 18, 2013 #21 cd´s are missing and an old photo...
Goffdahl Lappedykker Nov 10, 2003 391 10 18 45 Copenhagen www.pelantas.com Mar 18, 2013 #22 Psychonaut said: Just under 3k CDs and about 750 vinyl. Most of the vinyl is classic rock tho. Click to expand... That's not even close to 3000 CD's. I'm not saying you don't have that much but in this picture there is maximum 1300-1400 CD's. Edit: Ah, two pictues. I get it Very impressive!
Psychonaut said: Just under 3k CDs and about 750 vinyl. Most of the vinyl is classic rock tho. Click to expand... That's not even close to 3000 CD's. I'm not saying you don't have that much but in this picture there is maximum 1300-1400 CD's. Edit: Ah, two pictues. I get it Very impressive!
N Nephilim96 Member Nov 1, 2012 4,409 84 48 28 california Mar 18, 2013 #23 Psychonaut said: Just under 3k CDs and about 750 vinyl. Most of the vinyl is classic rock tho. Click to expand... How long have you been buying albums? How much money have you spent? jesus.
Psychonaut said: Just under 3k CDs and about 750 vinyl. Most of the vinyl is classic rock tho. Click to expand... How long have you been buying albums? How much money have you spent? jesus.
N Nephilim96 Member Nov 1, 2012 4,409 84 48 28 california Mar 18, 2013 #24 Goffdahl said: That's not even close to 3000 CD's. I'm not saying you don't have that much but in this picture there is maximum 1300-1400 CD's. Click to expand... No, I can believe it. If every shelf has about 40 cds, it adds up.
Goffdahl said: That's not even close to 3000 CD's. I'm not saying you don't have that much but in this picture there is maximum 1300-1400 CD's. Click to expand... No, I can believe it. If every shelf has about 40 cds, it adds up.
Goffdahl Lappedykker Nov 10, 2003 391 10 18 45 Copenhagen www.pelantas.com Mar 18, 2013 #25 Yes, read my edit My guess is Psychonaut has approximately 2300-2400 CDs in total on these two pictures. It seems there are 38-40 per row. Here is my collection with 42 per row in average which equals approximately 1200 CDs.
Yes, read my edit My guess is Psychonaut has approximately 2300-2400 CDs in total on these two pictures. It seems there are 38-40 per row. Here is my collection with 42 per row in average which equals approximately 1200 CDs.
Psychonaut God Of Emptiness Nov 29, 2002 10,465 87 48 Second left after Wal-Mart Visit site Mar 18, 2013 #26 2953 according to the database and it doesn't count the double ones or stuff with bonus DVDs in it.
Balls McHoolihan You mean coitus? Jan 22, 2012 759 9 18 Mar 20, 2013 #27 I still have a lot more CD's in a book, but somewhere in a move, I lost where their jewel cases went...I like having my CD's shelved nowadays. It give that "music library" feel.
I still have a lot more CD's in a book, but somewhere in a move, I lost where their jewel cases went...I like having my CD's shelved nowadays. It give that "music library" feel.
Avigrus Member Dec 23, 2007 2,905 11 36 Sydney, Australia Mar 21, 2013 #28 http://www.metal-archives.com/users/Avigrus666 1294 not including doubles from vinyls, first pressings etc. Probably closer to 1500. Ran out of room in my cupboard and had to start stacking them in plastic boxes that i keep under the bed and downstairs. When i move into my new place i'm going to get proper shelving built... can't fucking wait to have it all up there.
http://www.metal-archives.com/users/Avigrus666 1294 not including doubles from vinyls, first pressings etc. Probably closer to 1500. Ran out of room in my cupboard and had to start stacking them in plastic boxes that i keep under the bed and downstairs. When i move into my new place i'm going to get proper shelving built... can't fucking wait to have it all up there.
D DBNO New Metal Member Mar 17, 2013 26 0 1 Mar 21, 2013 #29 EffigyForgotten said: Best first post ever Click to expand...
Avigrus Member Dec 23, 2007 2,905 11 36 Sydney, Australia Mar 21, 2013 #30 DBNO said: Click to expand... Lol, jiving horse likes to jive
J JordanKalion New Metal Member Apr 8, 2013 2 0 1 Apr 8, 2013 #31 https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/316975_10200420493977968_386839260_n.jpg
J JordanKalion New Metal Member Apr 8, 2013 2 0 1 Apr 8, 2013 #32 https://www.facebook.com/groups/metalforalloldschool/