Post your DOMINANCE in UT2004!

Hahaha, nice one trevJ!!!!!! Shame you weren't in the game longer!

SunlapseVertigo said:
come on guys, you're slacking! get on those servers! DOMINATE! am i the only one that is still consistently playing every day?
Yessir! Nossir!

Here you go then; (interesting note; very few of the players on these servers were clueless n00bs. =)






I attempted to make some screenshot worthy scores last night but I wasnt doing to great unfortunately. DM I was consistantly 3rd and 4th. Onslaught I was top on my team a few times, but that doesnt say much when your team gets completely murdered :p

Besides, anything I post wont compare to Sunlapse and Sculpteds 24 screenshot posts of pwange. :p
Good game that. You were leading me for most of it....I just popped through in the last couple of waves there, hehe. =)

My connection is really jerky though. The game 'jumps' periodically every second or so, it's extremely annoying and it completely spoils my aim. I only managed a good score on that map because I was spamming great charging masses of Skaarj, which is always big points! hahaha Meh, just removed a load of spyware, hopefully that was what was bugging my connection. =/

gg t4nith ;o)

Yeah, that was an awesome game. The only thing that spoilt it was all the damn yanks using their mics CONSTANTLY, it really pissed me off, especially considering how much bollocks they were talking. One of them claimed to be unbeaten at deathmatch, even though he got his ass pwned in Invasion. If you can't beat Skaarj, what hope do you have against human opponents?


Well, no first place for me, but better than last I guess

BtW: check YourCEO in the second screenchot: PPM:9999 :OMG: :confused:
PPH = 9999 because sometimes it counts the timer as being on 0 despite them having been in the game longer than zero seconds.
If you don't practice when stats are disabled, you're going to be rusty when the stats come back up and ruin your record!
I'm still usually in the top 2 or 3 spots whenever I do play. Though, I admit I could use more DM practice.... my Onslaught skills are just fine.
Well, I've finally re-instaled the game in english and on the first game I've noticed this metallica related comment. Anyone else saw it ?
