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birthday cd's

In The Woods...- Omnio
Demigod- Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Velvet Cacoon- Genevieve
Negura Bunget- 'N Crugu Bradului
Massacra- Final Halocaust
Intestine Baalism- Banquet in the Darkness
WAYLANDER - Reawakening Pride Once Lost (Irl) CD
VON - Satanic Blood Angel (Usa) CD
PORTAL / RITES OF THY DEGRINGOLADE - The Sweyy / Our Dreadful Sphere... (Aus/Can) CD
OHTAR - Petrified Breath of Hope (Pol) CD
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - At the Gates of Blasphemous Fire (Ukr) CD
NAV / OLD WAINDS - We Are the North (Rus) CD
MORRIGAN - Headcult (Ger) CD
KRIEGSMASCHINE - Altered States of Divinity (Pol) CD
HERESI - Psalm II : Infusco Ignis (Swe) CD
FLUISTERWOUD - Langs Galg En Rad (Nld) CD
BEASTCRAFT - Into The Burning Pit Of Hell (Nor) CD
FORGOTTEN TOMB - Songs to Leave (Ita) CD
Authentic Metalhead said:
Generic isn't always bad. Some of my favorite albums are blatantly generic. Originality, while a factor in deciding what to listen to, is hardly the first thing I consider.

If a band can take generic music and make it sound original again then I'm all for it. Even if deep inside you know it is just generic power/death/black/whatever metal.
Iron Maiden-Powerslave


I have heard this whole album countless times, yet i dont know why it took me so long to get it
My order from Unmatched Brutality came today!

Vomit Remnants - Supreme Vehemence
Guttural Secrete - Reek of Pubescent Despoilment
Devourment - 1.3.8
Heinous Killings - Hung With Barbwire
Brodequin - Methods of Exececutions
Septycal Gorge - Growing Seeds of Decay
cookiecutter said:
My order from Unmatched Brutality came today!

Vomit Remnants - Supreme Vehemence
Guttural Secrete - Reek of Pubescent Despoilment
Devourment - 1.3.8
Heinous Killings - Hung With Barbwire
Brodequin - Methods of Exececutions
Septycal Gorge - Growing Seeds of Decay
