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Satanic Warmaster - Black Katharsis
Satanic Warmaster/Deathspell Omega split
INQUISITION - Magnificent Glorification

75$ total.

You are paying way too fuckin' much. :p

However, the Graveland and Inquisition are worth a bunch on their own. I actually know the guy (Kramer) who did the art for Magnificent Glorification Of Lucifer...he sent me a free Nyogthaeblisz tape.
You are paying way too fuckin' much. :p

However, the Graveland and Inquisition are worth a bunch on their own. I actually know the guy (Kramer) who did the art for Magnificent Glorification Of Lucifer...he sent me a free Nyogthaeblisz tape.

haha, i bought a copy of Nefarious Dismal Orations (comes with a poster) off Kramer just last week. he runs satanic skinhead propaganda i believe.
your mother likes Alice In Chains? thats awesome...:kickass:

I don't understand how you can like Alice In Chains but despise Acid Bath. Not that the two sound that much alike but you always bitch about the vocals which are pretty much sung in the same style.
Varathron - His majesty at the swamp (original)
Varathron - Walpurgisnacht
Varathron - The Lament of Gods
The Gates of Slumber - The Awakening