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That happens to me really often when CDs arrive in the mail.:mad:

Whenever that happens to me, or any other defect with the jewel case (missing hinge, major cracks etc.) I take an album I care less about and switch things up. For example, my Naglfar CD came yesterday with one of the hinges broken off (so the whole door of the case just comes off). So I switched the broken door with the intact door of my Wintersun album.
just ordered from Red Stream:

Bethlehem - Dark Metal

I plan on getting these next month from Moribund:

Drudkh - Blood In Our Wells
Drudkh - Swan Road
Satanic Warmaster - Carelian Satanist Madness
Whenever that happens to me, or any other defect with the jewel case (missing hinge, major cracks etc.) I take an album I care less about and switch things up. For example, my Naglfar CD came yesterday with one of the hinges broken off (so the whole door of the case just comes off). So I switched the broken door with the intact door of my Wintersun album.
I stabbed my Dark Medieval Times CD on accident trying to rip open the paper protecting it and now I got a stab mark on the case.:mad: