Post your hauls here

Arch Enemy - Rise Of The Tyrant

Very good. My only complaint is that it's too safe in the same way Now, Diabolical is compared to earlier Satyricon.
Arch Enemy - Rise Of The Tyrant

Very good. My only complaint is that it's too safe in the same way Now, Diabolical is compared to earlier Satyricon.

I listened to the new track on their myspace. It sounds different enough from their previous material, but my interest in this band is likely gone for good.
I've been meaning to get this album for awile now and it is probably their best.

How is the new Down ?

I'll let you know when I listen to the new Down

Draconian Times is good. I also have their self titled and DT is much better.

oh yeah and speaking of mini haul
Gory Blister - Skymorphosis (very good Italian Technical Death metal)
Testament - Souls of Black
Down - Over the Under

How is Souls of Black?

I listened to the new track on their myspace. It sounds different enough from their previous material, but my interest in this band is likely gone for good.

My interest was almost gone with Doomsday Machine. Almost.
I listened to the new track on their myspace. It sounds different enough from their previous material, but my interest in this band is likely gone for good.

Yeah there's definitely a change. I just think there's nothing really daring about the album, no real edge. It's still very well done though.
Yes, and I suggest we take the debate there (or stop it now) as this is not the proper place to hold such an off-topic discussion.

for real. cause I say 'pop'. and no, I'm not a faggot, I'm a midwesterner and I was raised that way.
It finally came!

Gospel Of The Horns - Realm Of The Damned
The Absence - Riders Of The Plague
Funeral Mist - Devilry EP
Zyklon - World Ov Worms
Ion Dissonance - Minus The Herd Promo ($1.99 used, why not?)
Chateaux – Fire Power (lp) $3 (NWOBHM)
Crystal Age – Far Beyond Divine Horizons $7 (Old School Death Metal)
Emperor – Reverence EP $3 (should be obvious...)
Flotsam And Jetsam – Doomsday For The Deceiver (lp) $4 (Thrash Metal)
Lunar Aurora – Mond $7 (Black Metal)
Lunar Aurora – Of Stargates And Bloodstained Celestial Spheres $7 (Black Metal)
Mekong Delta – The Principle Of Doubt (lp) $3 (Progressive Thrash Metal)
Morgion – Rabid Decay (cassette, demo) $3 (Death Metal)
Sacred Rite – Is Nothing Sacred (lp) $3 (US Power Metal)
Sacrifice - Forward To Termination (lp) $3 (Thrash Metal)
Saxon – Strong Arm Of The Law (lp) $3 (NWOBHM)
Swordmaster – Wraths Of Time $8 (Black Metal)