Post your hauls here

:lol: No, I'm getting enough money at Wal Mart, will have enough for books and other miscellaneous debts, I basically work 3 8 hour shifts when I'm at Wal Mart on weekends and will work 5(thats the most theyd give me, or a combo of 8 and 9) next week since I'll be out of school. I will get me some Deicide sometime soon, but itll probbaly be the new album they have coming out next year.

Well while you're waiting for that, you can enjoy the little surprise I sent you with our demo. A little gift for sending it late.
Finally got around ordering some stuff I should have bought years ago:

Primordial - Imrama
Primordial - A Journey's End
Primordial - Spirit the Earth Aflame


Maybe Jamie changed how they ship within the last year? :p

Seriously though my first order from there was great. I got Devourment - 1.3.8, Guttural Secrete, Heinous Killings, Brodequin - Methods of Execution, and I think Cranial Impalement. It came quickly and I was very happy with it. Maybe he only ships fast when it's his releases :p
Actually it was an private eBay seller. She had an acceptable excuse. She even included a free copy of Soilwork's latest as a free gift, which I'm trying to get rid of by offering it to friends.