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Nec, stop being such a fucking faggot to people who don't like "classic" things you think are masterpieces. People are allowed to express dissent with opinions and it's not advised for moderators to be total cocks to people who do. Thank you.
Nec, stop being such a fucking faggot to people who don't like "classic" things you think are masterpieces. People are allowed to express dissent with opinions and it's not advised for moderators to be total cocks to people who do. Thank you.

It is not even about it being "classic", it is about having a understanding that other people have a different view of of an album. He can not discuss music without his views being the only right ones.
Notice I said I like Sarcofago. You need to learn to read post in full. I just dont find it a fucking masterpiece. Its only important in the history of metal music but it is not anything near being a masterpiece. Please read posts in full before you say shit.

Nec, stop being such a fucking faggot to people who don't like "classic" things you think are masterpieces. People are allowed to express dissent with opinions and it's not advised for moderators to be total cocks to people who do. Thank you.

Grow some balls you fucking faggots. I don't give a shit what either of you worthless pieces of shit have to say on my posts, especially if you're so utterly stupid enough as to take them seriously, so fuck off and put me on ignore if you don't like what I'm saying because I couldn't fucking care less. I don't feel that I need to waste my time on people who not only don't care about Sarcofago but are also a retard outside of musical tastes as well.
Grow some balls you fucking faggots. I don't give a shit what either of you worthless pieces of shit have to say on my posts, especially if you're so utterly stupid enough as to take them seriously, so fuck off and put me on ignore if you don't like what I'm saying because I couldn't fucking care less. I don't feel that I need to waste my time on people who not only don't care about Sarcofago but are also a retard outside of musical tastes as well.

Again notice I said I like Sarcofago. And you obviously care what we say about your posts or you would not have made that post. So you, my friends, are totally worthless.
I make lots of posts about shit I don't really care about you fucking moron. I don't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks of Sarcofago in any real or serious way, but regardless of your opinion on the band, you're still a massive fucking dick eater.
I make lots of posts about shit I don't really care about you fucking moron. I don't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks of Sarcofago in any real or serious way, but regardless of your opinion on the band, you're still a massive fucking dick eater.

Than if you dont care, why post? Why even be on this board? And if you dont care about what we think about Sarcofago than this would have never happend. You do care and you just want to force your views down everyone else's throat.

And "massive fucking dick eater" is by far the most advanced insult that has come out of your humble mouth yet.
Grow some balls you fucking faggots. I don't give a shit what either of you worthless pieces of shit have to say on my posts, especially if you're so utterly stupid enough as to take them seriously, so fuck off and put me on ignore if you don't like what I'm saying because I couldn't fucking care less. I don't feel that I need to waste my time on people who not only don't care about Sarcofago but are also a retard outside of musical tastes as well.

:lol: I can't believe you took what I said seriously at all! I mean, c'mon it was so blatantly non-serious!! Right?!

Haha "grow some balls." Yeah man, because I think your posts are often way off the fucking mark in terms of being a normally-functioning member of this forum, I don't have any balls. Good insult. I expect more from you, tbh. Maybe grow some balls and man up about posting stupid fucking retorts to everyone who disagrees with you. Get over it; it's the internet. And before you say "lol no u get over it," you're the one who FIRST resorted to swearing and acting like a child having a tantrum. Pathetic. Fuck off if you're going to be like this.

Alter said:
Than if you dont care, why post? Why even be on this board? And if you dont care about what we think about Sarcofago than this would have never happend. You do care and you just want to force your views down everyone else's throat.

Ignoring the poor spelling/grammar (it IS Alter after all :p), I'm going to fully endorse this and maybe even chalk it up to one of the best points the guy's made yet. Stop being such a douchebag about your opinions. If you didn't care, you wouldn't post. I care; the things you say are in no way conducive to "discussion" a lot of the time, and in case you didn't notice, discussion is a pretty big part of this forum. I know you make posts with content, but a lot of your words are reserved for being a total dick to people who disagree with you. So stop doing it.
:lol: I can't believe you took what I said seriously at all! I mean, c'mon it was so blatantly non-serious!! Right?!

Haha "grow some balls." Yeah man, because I think your posts are often way off the fucking mark in terms of being a normally-functioning member of this forum, I don't have any balls. Good insult. I expect more from you, tbh. Maybe grow some balls and man up about posting stupid fucking retorts to everyone who disagrees with you. Get over it; it's the internet. And before you say "lol no u get over it," you're the one who FIRST resorted to swearing and acting like a child having a tantrum. Pathetic. Fuck off if you're going to be like this.

Ignoring the poor spelling/grammar (it IS Alter after all :p), I'm going to fully endorse this and maybe even chalk it up to one of the best points the guy's made yet. Stop being such a douchebag about your opinions. If you didn't care, you wouldn't post. I care; the things you say are in no way conducive to "discussion" a lot of the time, and in case you didn't notice, discussion is a pretty big part of this forum. I know you make posts with content, but a lot of your words are reserved for being a total dick to people who disagree with you. So stop doing it.

If I cared, I would put some fucking effort into arguing my viewpoint. I don't care. I'm wasting time on the internet yelling at people I disagree with. It's nothing more than that, so shut up. This right now is me wasting time on the internet, not me giving a shit about what you have to say. There's a subtle difference. No shit a lot of my posts are reserved for being a total dick to people who disagree with me. Why? Because this forum is my amusement park. I can be serious when I feel like it, but for the most part I'm just being a dick to people on the internet. I should probably be banned for it, really, but honestly, that wouldn't really bother me all that much. Maybe I'll become productive and make some Ambient/Noise. You should fucking know by now that, in reality, no, I don't give a fuck if you like the same bands that I like. I might call you a faggot, but I'm not personally offended by your gay tastes. So lay off the retarded "omgz u d0 carez" argument, and lay off the cock.
If I cared, I would put some fucking effort into arguing my viewpoint. I don't care. I'm wasting time on the internet yelling at people I disagree with. It's nothing more than that, so shut up. This right now is me wasting time on the internet, not me giving a shit about what you have to say. There's a subtle difference. No shit a lot of my posts are reserved for being a total dick to people who disagree with me. Why? Because this forum is my amusement park. I can be serious when I feel like it, but for the most part I'm just being a dick to people on the internet. I should probably be banned for it, really, but honestly, that wouldn't really bother me all that much. Maybe I'll become productive and make some Ambient/Noise. You should fucking know by now that, in reality, no, I don't give a fuck if you like the same bands that I like. I might call you a faggot, but I'm not personally offended by your gay tastes. So lay off the retarded "omgz u d0 carez" argument, and lay off the cock.

If you are not serious about this board or even respectful to other views why are you even here "wasting" your time? Just leave if we are not worthy and get a life outside of your fucking screen.

BTW, thanks V5.
If I cared, I would put some fucking effort into arguing my viewpoint. I don't care. I'm wasting time on the internet yelling at people I disagree with. It's nothing more than that, so shut up. This right now is me wasting time on the internet, not me giving a shit about what you have to say. There's a subtle difference. No shit a lot of my posts are reserved for being a total dick to people who disagree with me. Why? Because this forum is my amusement park. I can be serious when I feel like it, but for the most part I'm just being a dick to people on the internet. I should probably be banned for it, really, but honestly, that wouldn't really bother me all that much. Maybe I'll become productive and make some Ambient/Noise. You should fucking know by now that, in reality, no, I don't give a fuck if you like the same bands that I like. I might call you a faggot, but I'm not personally offended by your gay tastes. So lay off the retarded "omgz u d0 carez" argument, and lay off the cock.

Then you shouldn't be a mod.

Deron, get on this.
I would agree with you if it actually had a serious impact on the way that I moderate.

If you are not serious about this board or even respectful to other views why are you even here "wasting" your time? Just leave if we are not worthy and get a life outside of your fucking screen.

BTW, thanks V5.

It's called distracting myself for a short period of time every day from all of the things that I have to do, especially during school, and all of the other bullshit I have to deal with in the family. This isn't my life, this is my momentary escape from my life.
He's never actually abused his power, And he's got alot of knowledge compared to many other members of the board, so I don't see what the goddamned problem is. I disagree with him often, but that doesn't mean I turn it into and argument and whine like a bitch about it.
Actually he has abused his power. Granted, it hasn't been anything really major (like deleting threads for no reason or banning people for no reason) but there have still been incidents involving minor abuse (post deletions, etc)