Post your hauls here

I could give you links, but it's more like people posting 'Who deleted my posts?' or an obviously edited message that the original poster would not have posted. I'm also way too lazy to mine through 6-8 months worth of posts just to prove to some poster on a message board that a moderator has committed minor abuse violations. It's not worth my time. You obviously need to pay attention to posts more.
I don't remember any posts I've deleted unfairly, but I know I've edited a few which I will gladly admit to. It's just having a little fun is all, I would never edit or delete something that was actually of any substance. BTW just because you feel that I deleted one of your posts without just cause doesn't mean I didn't have just cause to delete it.
I don't remember any posts I've deleted unfairly, but I know I've edited a few which I will gladly admit to. It's just having a little fun is all, I would never edit or delete something that was actually of any substance. BTW just because you feel that I deleted one of your posts without just cause doesn't mean I didn't have just cause to delete it.

I don't even recall you deleting any of my posts. I know others have had posts deleted for no reason, but whether it was you is the question. Deletion of posts should be left to Deron imo
No, seriously, theres a reason Deron appoints mods. It's to monitor the threads, since he's got a fucking life. If you don't think the post had a reason to be deleted, fucking report it to him.

What are moderators going to to to keep this board from turning into the Lord Of The Flies, hmm? Threaten to ground us?
Grow some balls you fucking faggots. I don't give a shit what either of you worthless pieces of shit have to say on my posts, especially if you're so utterly stupid enough as to take them seriously, so fuck off and put me on ignore if you don't like what I'm saying because I couldn't fucking care less. I don't feel that I need to waste my time on people who not only don't care about Sarcofago but are also a retard outside of musical tastes as well.

Necuratul, what the fuck is your problem? It doesn't matter how serious you are or not - if you act like a complete dick every time someone disagrees with you, people are going to get offended regardless. It's not up to you to decide that everyone needs to "grow some balls" and just take all your shit without complaint.

You'd think that if this many people have complained to you by now, you would realise that your offensive behavior is not something that's normal or acceptable. I suggest you take a break from your ego for a while and think about other people's feelings for a minute or two.
No, seriously, theres a reason Deron appoints mods. It's to monitor the threads, since he's got a fucking life. If you don't think the post had a reason to be deleted, fucking report it to him.
Not meant as an insult or anything, but V5 and Nec both seem to let a lot of things go here recently. There are a lot of off topic posts and the like and nothing seems to be done about them, especially in the Social Forum. This whole conversation shouldn't be taking place, for example.
Er...anybody had any good hauls lately?
I found Napalm Death -- The Code Is Red Long Live The Code and Nevermore -- This Godless Endeavor at Half Price Books. Grabbed 'em both. :headbang: Other than that I've done a lot of downloading, which doesn't count.
I do not know. I fucked up somehow. That was weird. I meant to reply to your post along the lines of "God put those dino bones to test our faith."

Seeing stuff again. you shouldn't drink so much of Grandpa's cough syrup, it's bad for your health. :)

DA - Darkness Descends(org)
DA - Live Scars(org)
Nasty Savage - Indulgence(hopefully it's the 2in1 version)
Laaz Rockit - Annihilation Principle(org)
Anacrusis - Reason
Sword - Metalized