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So, I hit the fucking jackpot at FYE today

All used re-issues:

Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Sodom - Persecution Mania
Sodom - Agent Orange
Destruction - Infernal Overkill/Sentence of Death

18 bucks and change
I thought distro is a short for distributor or something.. They don't have to have an online shop do they..? Obscene is very good - :)


Onder: They seem to have a distro...go to Catalogue on their site and write down what you want, e-mail the guy via the contact address there, tell him what the stuff you want is called, etc. and he'll tell you how much. Ta-da!
Yes I could do that. So far there's nothing interesting, I can buy the new PSG directly from the band aswell so yeah.. :smug:
So, I hit the fucking jackpot at FYE today

All used re-issues:

Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Sodom - Persecution Mania
Sodom - Agent Orange
Destruction - Infernal Overkill/Sentence of Death

18 bucks and change

Nice. I've had some good luck with FYE recently too. I actually took a ride there today to get The Rules Of Hell box set (canceled my Amazon order from yesterday because I'm the most impatient person ever). My FYE still has some good stuff laying around too, but I either already own it (Tiamat, Priest, Sabbath, Motorhead, Megadeth, Cathedral, Trouble, Manowar) or I'm not really interested (Finntroll). They're all yours splatterday_night_fever, if you go to the one at the Somerville circle. By the way, the remastering of those Dio Sabbath albums came out fine. They're just a little louder and the drums are slightly more prominent.
Yesterday I went to FYE and got me this.
I sampled Dimmu Borgir-Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia and was close to getting that but I may get me that on vacation next week or a Borknagar CD.
Also there was the new Deicide there, Death-Leprosy and Scream Bloody Gore, new Testament along with a few cd's including The Legacy and The New Order, Cannibal Corpse-Eaten Back To Life, Arch Enemy, and Children of Bodom, which were all tempting, but it just shows me I got plenty to buy.
Yesterday I went to FYE and got me this.
I sampled Dimmu Borgir-Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia and was close to getting that but I may get me that on vacation next week or a Borknagar CD.
Also there was the new Deicide there, Death-Leprosy and Scream Bloody Gore, new Testament along with a few cd's including The Legacy and The New Order, Cannibal Corpse-Eaten Back To Life, Arch Enemy, and Children of Bodom, which were all tempting, but it just shows me I got plenty to buy.


Myself- learn it. Please?
^Just because I don't buy it near the recommendation date doesn't mean I won't get it. I don't know why it seems a lot of you have snapped on me and am showing resistance the last week or so.
^Just because I don't buy it near the recommendation date doesn't mean I won't get it. I don't know why it seems a lot of you have snapped on me and am showing resistance the last week or so.

If you're continually choosing to ignore our recommendations, then why bother coming here? It seems all you do is say "I've been liking band X on satellite radio, I plan on getting their album" and then a few days later posting that you bought that album.
You're right V5, but people are going to be assholes about me nonetheless. I'm not going to stop posting here because of a forum Mutiny or whatever, if you don't like me or my posts then the Ignore button is there. I just noticed I've been getting too pissed off over things here as of late, when that shouldn't happen.
How do you rate it compared to their first release? IMO The Black Law is alot better, except for the last song on the S/T which I think is awsome. :p

I haven't actually heard the first one yet, but I'm liking The Black Law so far, it's completely not what I was expecting (in a good way). It feels very cold and militaristic to me, but the two sides are very different. If you or anyone else could point me in the right direction to getting the first one, I would be most appreciative.
I was a tad sick of Reverend Bizarre by the time their final album was released, but I bought The Black Law, too. I haven't even bothered listening to it yet, and I'm still on the fence on whether I should bother buying any Lord Vicar material at all. Still, this is material I know I will return to, probably within the year, so why risk it, eh? So yeah, Vilden, if you know anywhere the first Puritan could be acquired, don't hold out on us! Also, any thoughts on Lord Vicar, anyone?