Post your hauls here

your gay for not enjoying it. It's like supercharged cartoon power. Fucking hell, backs to the wall around anyone who says they don't like it.

I really like it though, maybe overrated but I don't give a shit.
i like it i just think people fellate it so much that it leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth. it gives me the same feel as that post good megadeth album. i'm old school, i guess.
countdown to extinction was the last time i even realized megadeth existed.

priest has sucked since goddamned 1988. the last album i got excited for was ram it down and that half sucked.

fuck priest.. give it the fuck up same for maiden, motorhead and especially anthrax and metallica
I like new Motorhead. I'm patiently waiting for a new Priest CD that I really like. They are still my favourite band. I find all of their 90s albums (shock horror) enjoyable and well done. Obviously I like the stuff form before then as well.
yeah i gave motorhead un unfair shake cause i aint even listened to the new one yet. i have it on my queu, though. i'm gonna check it out right now...
i'm listening to it right now. it sucks. stagnation at it's most obvious. it's good solid motorhead but come on, it's the same. it doesn't even come close to interesting me
The new Motorhead didn't interest me at all. I gave it just one liste though. Prapably the last one.
i didn't even listen to the whole thing. it was so obvious there was no need. the last interesting thing they did was 1916

although i got stuck on no parole when i was going through the motorhead stuff and i really like this one. good groovy fantastic bluesy metal with a lot of substance.

no parole and all the early shit FTW!!!
Iron Man - The Passage
Iron Man - Generation Void
Pale Divine - Thunder Perfect Mind
Revelation - Never Comes Silence
Revelation - Release
Omen - Battle Cry
Omen - Warning Of Danger
Flotsam And Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver

For free:
Rush - Fly By Night
Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh

+ Mercyful Fate - In The Shadows
+ Jag Panzer - Thane To The Throne
countdown to extinction was the last time i even realized megadeth existed.

priest has sucked since goddamned 1988. the last album i got excited for was ram it down and that half sucked.

fuck priest.. give it the fuck up same for maiden, motorhead and especially anthrax and metallica
Priest has sucked since they became the original metal sellout in '78, with Painkiller being a one time getting of their shit together, but still not as good as the first four. Stained Class shits all over Turbo and buries it.
well you are wrong, then.

it may seem interesting on first listen but it's not. it's seriously a weak attempt for them to get into the mainstream. it's a literal embarrasment to metal. a kick in the face. if you like it, get out of metal.
I thing defenders is their [judas priest] best album... I don't count them as a sellout because in order for them to be one their first couple of albums would have had to be metal in my opinion. Seeing as they had already hugely changed their sound I think it is acceptable.
well you are wrong, then.

it may seem interesting on first listen but it's not. it's seriously a weak attempt for them to get into the mainstream. it's a literal embarrasment to metal. a kick in the face. if you like it, get out of metal.

How in the fuck am i wrong? Assasins is no different in what ...And Oceans and Enochian Crescent were doing for years. I take you consider them to be non-metal as well? To me sounds like bm with prog and heavy psychedelia elements to their sound.
I thing defenders is their [judas priest] best album... I don't count them as a sellout because in order for them to be one their first couple of albums would have had to be metal in my opinion. Seeing as they had already hugely changed their sound I think it is acceptable.

There's a difference between a dramatic change in sound in general and a sellout. The evolution from Rocka Rolla to Stained Class was not in any way making their sound more mainstream. On the other hand, the transition from Stained Class to British Steel, with their ridiculous new image, the dumbing-down of the guitars, Rob Halford abandoning most of his high range (in the '80s he had the occasional screams, but he was constantly redlining the high end on Stained Class), and Les Binks being replaced by a drummer (Dave Holland) who is even worse than Lars Ulrich becasue Les didn't want to play simple backbeats, is a calculated attempt to break into the mainstream and create "rebellion music", superficially edgy but not actually challenging, for teenagers, set a precedent for all sellouts to follow and helped sow the seeds for glam metal. Not to mention the way the media seized on their new image and lyrical style, fueling the hair metal movement and providing 90% of the ammunition the record industry and grunge movement used to murder the metal scene in the early '90s.

And Sad Wings of Destiny was definitely metal and together with Stained Class pretty much nailed down the formula for classic heavy metal and purged most of Black Sabbath's blues baggage. Even Rocka Rolla had as much metal as it did hard and prog rock.