Post your hauls here

Zonaria - The Cancer Empire, didnt know if I was gonna like this one, but got it cheap. Worth every penny. Fucking great album! Give it a try!
Stutthof - And Cosmos From Ashes To Dust
Darkspace - Darkspace III
Solstice - New Dark Age


Faustcoven - Rising from Below the Earth
Sauron - Satanic Assassins
NWN! haul:

Ares Kingdom- Return To Dust
Blasphemophagher- Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse
Morbosidad- Morbosidad/Cojete a Dios Por el Culo
Witchfinder General- Buried Amongst the Ruins
Terrorama- Omnipotence
Nuctemeron- Procreator of Sin
Disforterror- Impalement and Holocaust Stench
Midnight- Farewell to Hell
Garlik De'th- While God Sleeps
Perversor- Cult of Destruction
Armour- Sonichouse Tape
Devastator- Conjuring Evil
The Wizar'd- Infernal Wizardry
Massacre- The Second Coming
Pseudostratified Epithelium- Dolonia
Terrorama- Horrid Efface
Cirith Gorgor- Cirith Gorgor
Midnight- Complete and Total Fucking Midnight
Witchfinder General- Live '83

About 4-5 of these are blind buys I haven't heard before but whatever.
What I'm getting from apg soon:

Cynic - Focus (original)
Whiplash - Insult to Injury (original)
Artillery - Terror Squad/Fear of Tomorrow
Invocator - Weaving the Apocalypse
Heathen - Victims of Deception
Toxik - World Circus (orig)
Holy Terror - Mind Wars
Xentrix - For Whose Advantage?

45 bucks

Merry Xmas to me!

When you going to get your Crack Rock Steady fix?
Candlemass - Nightfall (Active Records original press)

This album is absolutely fantastic. I remember I had a reissue of Tales of Creation years ago but I could never get into it. Well, I decided to give Nightfall a try and I have to say this is one of the best doom metal albums I've ever heard. I honestly like this so much that I don't really even feel the desire to go out and listen any other trad doom albums. This is pretty much exactly what I want to hear out of this style of music. (note: Obviously I'm somewhat of a noob when it comes to traditional doom metal)
NWN! haul:

Ares Kingdom- Return To Dust
Blasphemophagher- Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse
Morbosidad- Morbosidad/Cojete a Dios Por el Culo
Witchfinder General- Buried Amongst the Ruins
Terrorama- Omnipotence
Nuctemeron- Procreator of Sin
Disforterror- Impalement and Holocaust Stench
Midnight- Farewell to Hell
Garlik De'th- While God Sleeps
Perversor- Cult of Destruction
Armour- Sonichouse Tape
Devastator- Conjuring Evil
The Wizar'd- Infernal Wizardry
Massacre- The Second Coming
Pseudostratified Epithelium- Dolonia
Terrorama- Horrid Efface
Cirith Gorgor- Cirith Gorgor
Midnight- Complete and Total Fucking Midnight
Witchfinder General- Live '83

About 4-5 of these are blind buys I haven't heard before but whatever.

Great haul. I just got that disforterror LP and both terrorama cds in the mail today.

The disforterror is pretty good, reminds me of Revenge mixed with blasphemy/death metal.

The new terrorama is also great.
Candlemass - Nightfall (Active Records original press)

This album is absolutely fantastic. I remember I had a reissue of Tales of Creation years ago but I could never get into it. Well, I decided to give Nightfall a try and I have to say this is one of the best doom metal albums I've ever heard. I honestly like this so much that I don't really even feel the desire to go out and listen any other trad doom albums. This is pretty much exactly what I want to hear out of this style of music. (note: Obviously I'm somewhat of a noob when it comes to traditional doom metal)

I'm going to buy this tomorrow (since I saw it at the Burlington Newbury Comics last month, so I know it will be there). I love the two Candlemass albums I own so far (EDM and Tales...).
Candlemass - Nightfall (Active Records original press)

This album is absolutely fantastic. I remember I had a reissue of Tales of Creation years ago but I could never get into it. Well, I decided to give Nightfall a try and I have to say this is one of the best doom metal albums I've ever heard. I honestly like this so much that I don't really even feel the desire to go out and listen any other trad doom albums. This is pretty much exactly what I want to hear out of this style of music. (note: Obviously I'm somewhat of a noob when it comes to traditional doom metal)


Great fucking album.
Great haul. I just got that disforterror LP and both terrorama cds in the mail today.

The disforterror is pretty good, reminds me of Revenge mixed with blasphemy/death metal.

The new terrorama is also great.

Disforterror was one of the blind buys, but it was on the main page and I tend to check everything out from there anyways, so I went ahead and got it.

Haven't heard the new Terrorama, but the first full length was very good from what I remember (I've admittedly only heard it twice).
Disforterror was one of the blind buys, but it was on the main page and I tend to check everything out from there anyways, so I went ahead and got it.

Haven't heard the new Terrorama, but the first full length was very good from what I remember (I've admittedly only heard it twice).

well it was just released a few days ago.. But yeah it was a blind buy for me also since they have no myspace page or samples. The cover alone is pretty damn cool.

Edit: These..

Ares Kingdom- Return To Dust
Blasphemophagher- Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse
Morbosidad- Morbosidad/Cojete a Dios Por el Culo

are really fucking good..

Do you already own Morbosidad - Profana la Cruz del Nazareno?
It's their best work.
I like from I have heard from Blasphemophagher but I am getting sick of that sloppy, black/thrash sound every fucking band is doing.
Every band on Nuclear War Now, Hell's Headbangers and a couple random bands,some established some, some not. I am just personally sick of the sound, I don't think the bands should stop.
This bestial blackdeathwargoatfucknecrometal bullshit really is out of hand. I stick with the major players and a handful that seem to be above the rest, Blasphemophagher being among them.

Every band on Nuclear War Now, Hell's Headbangers and a couple random bands,some established some, some not. I am just personally sick of the sound, I don't think the bands should stop.

Each of these labels only have a few releases in this style you dumb fuck. But of course you wouldn't know better because it's not Interpol influencing Peste Noire.
Each of these labels only have a few releases in this style you dumb fuck. But of course you wouldn't know better because it's not Interpol influencing Peste Noire.


1.) NWN! has been releasing ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF BLACK/THRASH. You obviously have not been listening to the endless amounts of records you say you buy from them.

2.)I said Interpol was similarity to Circle Of Ouroborus you dumb fucking internet Virgin.

3.) Hell's Headbangers has been the coat tails of the trend so FUCK OFF.

4.) But you would not know since you hold-up in a bedroom and write shitty one-sided fucking insults.