Post your hauls here

I just pre-ordered

Absu - Absu CD
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars

from Candlelight. Coming out late Feb. but always good to get a jump.
Whats going on with the drums? They sound like shit, is it a drum-machine? Fuck, thats a bad sound but everything else is pretty good. I'll still buy it the day it comes out.
Yeah, I have heard them. I have not heard the first one more than two or three times though. I never listen to drums though so maybe it slipped. I can't find any good excuses.
Anyway, it does sort of bother me that he's STILL using the same exact samples as on TWWTG, because they don't do a good job fitting with the music according to that clip but I'll wait til I get the CD to pass judgment.
Decided to blow some money at Enucleation, highly recommended distro despite being small. Support the label, as they put out/have put out some killer stuff (Gravehill, Father Befouled, Dead Congregation's EP etc.)

For 27-ish bucks total:

Ignivomous - Path of Attrition LP
Karnarium - Karnarium CD
Blasphemophagher - Nuclear Empire Of Apocalypse CD
Decided to blow some money at Enucleation, highly recommended distro despite being small. Support the label, as they put out/have put out some killer stuff (Gravehill, Father Befouled, Dead Congregation's EP etc.)

For 27-ish bucks total:

Ignivomous - Path of Attrition LP
Karnarium - Karnarium CD
Blasphemophagher - Nuclear Empire Of Apocalypse CD

excellent haul. I'm listening to that Karnarium CD now, one of the best death metal albums to be released last year. Also that label kicks ass.
FInally got a order in at Aquarius I think is worth posting.

Au Pairs - Sense & Sensuality
Gang Gang Dance - Saint Dymphna
Peste Noire - La Sanie Des Siecles - Panegyrique De La Degenerescence(Yes!)