Post your hauls here

Same, even though I really don't want to order from them. I bought Antikosmos on Amazon though so if I can do that again I will.

@d_t: yeah I should have realized you don't care about being frugal if you're dropping like 50 bucks on a Nox Intempesta disc :lol: they rule but fuck.
Misery Speaks - Disciples of Doom (aggressive melodeath)

Misery Index - Traitors (deathgrind)

both very satisfying
Benediction - "Grind Bastard" & "Organised Chaos" Reloaded pack!!

Second hand a a bit scratched up but for $10 was good value IMO!
Destroyer 666-'Phoenix Rising'
Ondskapt-'Draco Sit Mihi Dux'
Armagedda-'Ond Spiritism'
Haemorrhage-'Morgue Sweet Home'
Bile-'Camp Blood'
Dead Infection-'Surgical Disembowelment'
Goat Penis-'Inhuminization'
Ondskapt-'Draco Sit Mihi Dux'
ok I'm having trouble deciding what to get

Hellwitch - Sygyzial Miscreancy or Dead Congregation - Graves Of The Archangels

I can only get one, the other will have to wait til next paycheck.
quick lunch shop @ second hand store:

Carnal Grieft - "Nine Shades Of Pain"

Fear Factoy - "Remanufacture/Demanufacture" (Reissue, remastered)

Hour Of Penance - "The Vile Conception"

Napalm Death - "Order Of The Leech"

Oath To Vanquish - "Applied Schitzhophrenic Science"

Yyrkoon - "Unhealthy Opera"

all for $36US