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went to Vintage Vinyl today and picked up

Deathspell Omega - Manifestations 2000-2001
Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Nihilist - Nihilist

Nice. My trips to VV are few and far between because I always wind up dropping too much money on music. That and Route 1 is a major pain in the ass at all times of the day.
Ironsword - Return of the Warrior

fina fucking ly! gonna have to add a huge doom haul on either eBay or Leafhound depending on how well the auctions go
Lunar Aurora - Ars Moriendi
Odal - Zornes Heimat
Primordial - Spirit the Earth Aflame


Craft - Total Soul Rape
Craft - Terror Prorpaganda

Old Wainds
put in anotherorder last night:

Hypocrisy - "Virus"

Hour of Penance - "The Vile Conception"

Entombed - "Clandestine"

Grave - "Dominion VIII"

Porkfarm - "Blood Harvest"

At The Gates - "With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness"

From VV:

Mortuary Drape - Into The Catachthonium
Ereb Altor - By Honour
Victimizer - The Final Assault
Hibria - Defying The Rules
Judas Priest - Rocka Rolla
Fall Of The Idols - The Séance
Attacker - The Unknown
Carnivore - Retaliation

When I was checking out the guy (young, bald one who's always there at night) told me they have a savings club that they don't advertise. It's free to join and for every $200 you spend you get $20 off your next purchase. They give you a keyring card that you just show when you're checking out and the computer tracks what you've spent. He also gave me $20 off this haul because he knows how much money I've spent there. Awesome.
From VV:

Mortuary Drape - Into The Catachthonium
Ereb Altor - By Honour
Victimizer - The Final Assault
Hibria - Defying The Rules
Judas Priest - Rocka Rolla
Fall Of The Idols - The Séance
Attacker - The Unknown
Carnivore - Retaliation

When I was checking out the guy (young, bald one who's always there at night) told me they have a savings club that they don't advertise. It's free to join and for every $200 you spend you get $20 off your next purchase. They give you a keyring card that you just show when you're checking out and the computer tracks what you've spent. He also gave me $20 off this haul because he knows how much money I've spent there. Awesome.

Yeah, that is awesome and something I may try to find out about next time I hit VV. There needs to be a UM NJ meet up there one day
I must have misheard the guy, and I definitely wasn't paying attention to how much my bill should have been. Now I just want to know why they didn't tell me about this sooner if it has been around for years.