My band has a new song up on our myspace... its called Mammoth. If you wanna check it out our link is let me know what you think of it. Thanks!!! 

serious quality there, but i gotta say that thats the snare drum from hell, discard asap imho.
tbh what i intended by this thread was not a "check out my band" thread (that's what sigs are for) so much as a "this is a new song I wrote, what do you think? Should I maybe add some more double bass or keyboards?" sorta thing.
I recorded my band's first full-length myself, and I think it turned out pretty awesome for being DIY and stuff.
What do y'all think? What should I/we do differently next time, production-wise?
Thanks! Yeah this is our debut release. We used to have a different name and recorded an entirely mediocre metalcore EP, but it'd be better for everyone if we pretend it never existed hahaI'm no producer but your band kicks ass. this album is your debut release?