Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

On this video I play a song called RivFader from a Finnish Folk/Black Metal band Finntroll. Quality is bad, but try enjoy :D AND, if you like it, give stars on YouTube :D:D.

I also have a video, where I play Sahti-Waari, but there's a topic on it on Turisas forum.
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The point was that people would post stuff they had written and wanted feedback on. Instead everyone has used it to promote their bands and not given feedback...

We're in need of some help choosing the songs on our upcoming EP. vote on
We've recorded six songs for you to choose from, with a very bad recorder in our rehearshal room, so please don't take too much notice of the bad, bad sound. And I know it isn't heavy metal we're playing, so if it's not your style of music please bear with us :)

song number 1 (Dwell)

song number 2 (Captured Moments)

song number 3 (Time is Running)

song number 4 (Chameleon)

song number 5 (Grace)

song number 6 (Again)

a sample with the first 30 seconds of all six tracks

Thanks very, very, very much for you time and your help!

Regards! CC
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I dig the first song. Liked the third song also. Fourth and fifth were okay. Not huge on the sixth.
WAIF. The only link of yours I could get to work was Raven. But despite needing something thrown into the mix, I thought it was good when taken as is.

Umm... I was wondering how people on this site feel about female heavy metal vocalists? I want opinions on afew songs I'm working on (vocals & bass) but I'm affraid if I put something up I'll be bashed for not having a pair.
Shit. The links worked for me.

I've totally rewritten that thing. I got rid of the keyboard melody that wasn't present there, there's now a guitar melody that isn't present there and it's part of a longer song.

As for female heavy metal vocalists...I don't think anyone will care*. Post it.

*Unless, that is, you choose to join the unfortunately-swelling ranks of female vocalists who's chief function is eye candy and who pose half-naked on the cover of Revolver. Because I always wanted metal to be more like Playboy.
Shit. The links worked for me.

I've totally rewritten that thing. I got rid of the keyboard melody that wasn't present there, there's now a guitar melody that isn't present there and it's part of a longer song.

As for female heavy metal vocalists...I don't think anyone will care*. Post it.

*Unless, that is, you choose to join the unfortunately-swelling ranks of female vocalists who's chief function is eye candy and who pose half-naked on the cover of Revolver. Because I always wanted metal to be more like Playboy.

1. Maybe it's just my laptop. I've had trouble on other sites too. It just tells me that the links no longer exist, even when they still work for other.

2. Hahaha. NO! I am not the type to go around a stage half naked. I think the way you dress should not come before the way you sound. And thanks. I have a new song I'm almost done with. I'll post it when I'm finished. Minus the drums though :(
Thank you for missing the point of the thread.
GR, do you think you could just delete posts that are just people posting links to their myspaces rather than asking for feedback? This could be a useful thread but people are using it as the self-promotion forum.