Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

my bands myspace page is all we have up is a rough track from our demo, but we are going to be recording our E.P. soon. We are mainly influenced by violent aggressive music and bands like pig destroyer, gaza, the secret, ed gein, rotten sound, and bands like the red chord, beneath the massacre, between the buried and me. We definetly aren't another bullshit deathcore band. sorry to whoever that may offend. Like it or hate it, thats my band.
Listening to Swarmed now.
This is kind of a sample in that I'm not positive this is the final form this song will take; thus I have not bothered recording it properly (i.e. in time and without mistakes). Basically, I just want to know what people think of the structure. Please comment, because I'm open to rewriting the thing, adding new riffs, etc.

Reproacher sounds like raw, crusty death metal. Could maybe use the odd blast beat, but I think it's pretty good. One thing is, have you considered a short, ripping solo? That often helps to accentuate the brutality.
Some songs I´ve written

Poorly recorded and no vocals but you get a good idea of how the songs are supposed to be.
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Thanks, thats somewhat an older song. We have been writing non stop and hopefully will upload more soon as time permits. We just recorded that in a basement so it sounds like shit. Thanks for the input, we are actually working on more intense parts on the new material. And as far as crusty deathmetal, thats what we aim for! haha
My new band has a practice performance recorded and up now. The other guitarist was off, especially during the intro, so it's a bit sloppy, but you can get the idea. Any thoughts? Also the band name will be changed after Wednesday when we vote for the new one.

I know it's a basement recording and all but...was the mic on the toms? Because that's the only thing I can think of to explain why the toms are absurdly loud and then the other drums are inaudible.
Overall, sounds a little generic, but that may be due to the raw recording; the intro, for example, is really hard to tell what's going on.
Definitely download something different for the drums or at least vary the velocities a bit. Serious pumping at :35. Bring the guitars up a fair bit. Your playing seems a lot tigher than the las thing I remember you posting. : D
That's because this is a finished song that I practiced once or twice before recording as opposed to a half-finished slopfest I recorded about one minute after writing; parts of that thing were actually improvised. Anyhoo.

I definitely need something else for drums. This program (Appleton Live) seems to bring up all midi tracks when exporting, as well. Weird. My friend is gonna give me BFD2, that oughta take care of it. That program has a humanize function as well.
When I do finalized drum programming I plan on programming in variations as well as those fills on the transitions.
Those are scratchy-ass guitars.
Clean vocals are decent, but not great. Need a little more force at some parts. Growls are decent.
We re-recorded a song and a new one. I don't like my guitar tone, and was having trouble playing cuz my hands were cold. I still need to actually write solo's. Haha. But it's our new drummer and still me doing the bass. "P.O.V." is a re-record, "Divine Torture" is the newer one. Divine Torture

wow that s really nice!!
hope you ll have an official release someday (sorry if you have one already)
what did you use to record it? it sounds analog (and good)

anyway here is my band a little bit children of bodom ripoff i know but anyway i hope you ll like it.. there is no voice and those are not definitive records
Those are scratchy-ass guitars.
Clean vocals are decent, but not great. Need a little more force at some parts. Growls are decent.

Cheers! We totally fucked up with the guitars, but decided not to do them again, just do a whole new recording later, something else than a demo. Clean vocals are a bit difficult to me, I tense up too easily when I have to sing high-like that. My growls I'm very proud of, so thanks!

Anybody have any more comments, especially about the songs them selves?
