Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

here's my most recent vocal cover, there's plenty more!

as soon as my band gets something recorded i'll put that up here as well
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The only thing I've been able to get recorded, a Rhapsody on the Russian wartime song Katyusha.
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Hi guys!
New to this forum so yey for me :p

here is a song ive been working on, it has a modern sound and feel to it, a nice mixture of djent/fusion/metal; something like Chimp Spanner/Cynic

tell me what you think. Ive had lots of positive coments here in Croatia ;-)

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Hi guys!
New to this forum so yey for me :p

here is a song ive been working on, it has a modern sound and feel to it, a nice mixture of djent/fusion/metal; something like Chimp Spanner/Cynic

tell me what you think. Ive had lots of positive coments here in Croatia ;-)

Dude, that is awesome! If you haven't checked out Animals As Leaders, do so. But that is some awesome stuff. Keep up the good work! \m/
thanks man!
yeah, animals as leaders are awesome, been listening to tosins stuff since his first YT video!

anyway posted another vid up! feel free to sub!

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What do ya'll think. It was incomplete when played here, but I think it has potential.
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well i did post this before but no one said a damn thing so i will post it again please take a listen to it. thanks lol

My band's first video (melodic trash metal):

A second song, "Black Shame" can be streamed for free here:
That one is a little bit more old-school thrashy but still quite melodic. The website is in norwegian but pretty self explanatory, the songs are listed on the right side, along with play buttons (labeled 'lytt', norwegian for 'listen').
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This song is from my one man project called Sleepwalker. It's totally DIY, home recorded stuff. But unfortunately I can't record vocals, so I 'm just wondering if there's anyone here who might like the song, and who would like to record some vocals for it, then send it to me, or anything like that..
Just for fun. And more songs may come later.
Thanks, and enjoy :p

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This is Dalla Nebbia, my progressive black metal recording project. The project consists of myself, and a lyricist/vocalist who lives across the country. The drum parts are programmed, but we are looking for a drummer to record live drum tracks. If you're a drummer with access to recording equipment and may be interested in laying down some tracks, please email me at
Take a listen to the Ep As the light fails by Bardiet, Free download with subscription to the mailing list. While you're there you can listen to the new taster track for their eagerly anticipated album.