Post your pics, we´re all curious!

more importantly...hes a hotty hot hot!!! and he is good with a camera..imagine the possibilties.

Mick if you still have it... can I buy it...
You shopped at Quiggs mick? that place has gone down hill I tell yer there is a lacoste shop in there now.
Dhatura said:
I can't see this one so

what's going on? :tickled:
nevermind. :bah:

MetallicaSux said:
Hey, what happened to the picture?
well, malaclypse was linking one of my pictures without asking so you can guess what happened... I'd like to know how he found it though. :mad:

@joeysiedl:OMG! :OMG: nice pics! same goes for dragonlady's t. as interesting as the content is, I can tell that she would still be a great photographer if she was taking pics of grass growing. ^_^
Okay that is me in the avatar, being very drunk

This is me on the cam:

This is me at carnival (older one):