Post your picture v1.0

Cute pics guuuurl :D should've taken a pic with your pretty face as well :(


On our way to HOA.

No sleeping people allowed at a party, so it was time to wake him up.
Diddy: Because Skittles just aren't brutal without him :lol:


Me and Matt in Sheffield - no one has any fucking idea who is who though :lol:


And this is me with my friend Gina and Andy, Nige and Jeff from Onslaught at last year's Damnation festival.
Diddy: Because Skittles just aren't brutal without him :lol:


Me and Matt in Sheffield - no one has any fucking idea who is who though :lol:


And this is me with my friend Gina and Andy, Nige and Jeff from Onslaught at last year's Damnation festival.
Gina's cool :kickass: Met her and her hubby (although I was still the silent clumsy shy guy back then, didn't say a thing)
Looking through my photobucket and I stumbled across these. Some are ancient... the gargantuanness of the beard should be a clue to age...


My Evile pic :)

Tom hunting from Exodus at Wacken last year!

Waking up at Wacken... festival nails... yuk!

Onstage dressed as Richard O'Brien at Halloween.

Dressed as a banana.
Aw thanks Manipulator/Tessa!

That banana photo is brilliant, love it hahaha.

I got round to figuring out how you do this:

(and nah I didn't edit my eyes apart from take the black and white layer off them)