Post your picture v1.0

Guys I don't want to be a spoiler but can I suggest that you be very very careful of what pictures you guys are posting as you never know who can access the internet

(I'll give you a wee clue, Police)

Strathclyde Police do have a dept that surfs the internet to find any photos that are of a criminal nature and trespassing in dirlect buildings is, I am sure, an offence, just a word of warning that is all, there has been a few instances like neds with weapons in public places that have been caught, speeders posting videos of their speeds have been caught, you may have heard of these stories in the news, if it's the public domain and the location can be identifable, you can get caught
Civil Trespass is not an arrestable offense. But you can be asked to leave.

That factory looks killer!! That looks like itd be a fun place to go and explore.

Oh AND your Scotland laws go easier on that stuff than here. Could spend a night in the cells here. Not Scotland. You need to accept what could happen.

Heres what id fallen onto:

Guys I don't want to be a spoiler but can I suggest that you be very very careful of what pictures you guys are posting as you never know who can access the internet

(I'll give you a wee clue, Police)

Strathclyde Police do have a dept that surfs the internet to find any photos that are of a criminal nature and trespassing in dirlect buildings is, I am sure, an offence, just a word of warning that is all, there has been a few instances like neds with weapons in public places that have been caught, speeders posting videos of their speeds have been caught, you may have heard of these stories in the news, if it's the public domain and the location can be identifable, you can get caught

Have the police really not got anything better to do then watch what we are doing on the internet? I know it's a cliche, but we are moving closer to 1984.
Civil Trespass is not an arrestable offense. But you can be asked to leave.

That factory looks killer!! That looks like itd be a fun place to go and explore.


Woah, screw that!! Great panoramic photo though... yeah, it's a great place, so many huge buildings. I was in another of them one time aswell... it would take a whoile day at least to see the whole site...

I'm nae worried about the police. If they're going to come and get me then let them, if they've nowt better to do. It would just prove how utterly pathetic they are, and I'm sure people would have opinions about whether or not it would be an effective use of police resources. But thanks for your concern!
I'm nae worried about the police. If they're going to come and get me then let them, if they've nowt better to do. It would just prove how utterly pathetic they are, and I'm sure people would have opinions about whether or not it would be an effective use of police resources. But thanks for your concern!

If you do this stuff on busy nights you're fine. Rooftops in Manchester... Alls you hear is the odd car horn and the rest is sirens. It's really cool, but it's mad. But you gotta remember how busy the Manchester nightlife. And I'm sure one of the last things they care about is some people taking pictures.
Actually I not really talking about the police as such even though they would be involved, usually its the Crown service of the PF that would ask the police to investigate if there has been a criminal offence committed, the police only get involved if someone makes an official complaint, a police officer coming across these pictures can't do anything as such unless he makes a complaint as a member of public, the other time police officers can get involved if they witness a crime occuring.

Again, I am just asking you, just to be careful, thats all,

In regards to the use of police resources comment, let me tell you, if neighbours spent less time bickering with each other I would guarantee time spent tackiling crime would improve, the amount of neighbour disputes is unbelivable and it's always over the slightest thing, now I am a Station Assistant and I get these people coming in all the time complaining about this and that and I always think, where is the respect? I have great neighbours and I am lucky to have great neighbours, I can sometimes play my music slightly loud but allowances are made due to my hearing difficulty. In 20 years of being the same neighbours nothing really annoys us which is great because we know it's better to enjoy life than spend our time bickering. I sometimes feel like screaming at them "FUCKIN GROW UP" but sadly that would be unprofessional of me. Last night was a great example, there were 6 incidents ongoing within my sub-division and 3 of them were nighbour disputes at 23.45hrs and all cars were at each scene, one call came through that there was a male made off from a store without paying for goods and this male then started to damage the garage forecourt, now because all cars were on scene, there was no-one available to deal with that male, it was another sub-division car that were able to assist and while it was great that they helped, it meant that that sub-div were a car down because we were tied up with those, frankly, pointless calls

I sometimes wish people could see from our side of the fence and then they would understand why, many of the troops are frustrated as well as they can't to do their job as they want to but it's like everything else, it gets bogged down in paperwork, preparing cases for courts, seriously the ammount of paperwork is incredible and I sometimes feel really guilty that when I am on the nightshift I can sit for 8 hours reading a book.

I didn't really want to go off tangent there but I count you guys as my friends and I am just asking you to be careful as I don't want anything to happen to you. (I know you are all adults and all that but thats what good friends do, care for each other)