Post your sad crap here:

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The best are always the loneliest ;)
You strike me as intelligent and cultured/interested in arts.. which are very scary attributes for most men.. but you'll find yours Im sure :p

If I had a nickel for every time somebody referred to me as scary/intimidating......well I'd have a lot of nickels. And as far as being cultured, hardly! For the most part I sit at home alone watching sitcoms and cartoons drinking beer. My interest in photography is only to help pass the time, but I suppose I should just shut up and thank you for the compliment :p

So yeah, thanks :)
Been single for nearly a year :(. I don't think I'll get another gf but I don't care, as long as I have music.
I just got back from a 5 day stay in NJ, because my Grandfather ( who I was very close to) died from a major heart attack. my grandmother on the other side of my family died just 4 months ago. It's been a shitty year for me but I keep a stiff upper lip

Hay RAY, sorry for your loss dude, I lost my mum and dad to the big C word the one that fucks your hole life, but you do get over it, you keep the memories alive, have a drink for them on every special occation, thats wot i do, cheers :kickass:mate.
Yeah, so just after I find out my grandfather gets out of the hospital, my mother who was visiting him was admitted... apparently she has an intestinal infection :erk:

Just more stuff added on top of the mixed p relationship I'm having with my ex girlfriend.
God, it's really uncomfortable saying that...ex girlfriend...:(
No my friend had breathing problems as well. His nose was broken. He just decided to get the aesthetic issues resolved at the same time. So don't freak. :zombie:

Sorry about that... I just really don't like the whole aesthetic culture we have.

Because one was 38 (~130 in human yrs.) and was dying, and the other had severe navicular.

Horses can live to 130?!
Negative, horses can't live to be 140. A horse that lives to be 25 or 30 is pretty old. That would be analogus to an ~80 year old person. That's whats meant by saying that the 38 yr. old quaterhorse would be very very old if it were a person. Horses over 40 are extremely rare. But ponies can live that long a bit more often.
At present,I'm also a little bit depressed.
But I don't know why I have the mood.
About in a recent year,I always felt that everyone may leave me alone.

lol i'll die alone, my both serious gf's that i had, cheated on me, more than once, twice or thrice :lol:
Hay RAY, sorry for your loss dude, I lost my mum and dad to the big C word the one that fucks your hole life, but you do get over it, you keep the memories alive, have a drink for them on every special occation, thats wot i do, cheers :kickass:mate.

thanks adrian, thats a good idea i think ill have a drink for em right now. sorry about your parents man that must have been rough. Cheers mate.

and seraphim I hope your mother gets well also.
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