Post your sad crap here:

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There not worried about length though; Honestly, I just want to be able to give the mans life story justice
so you should, if your going to do it right, do it right the first time..;)...can you get the Army or some type of RSL to say a few good words on his country's behalf, your Grand Farther should be entitled to at least that.

sorry for your loss.

God Bless

cheers :kickass:maiden1
I just found out my ex is fucking some dude, not long after we broke up. I love her, but that is it - my hearts fucking broken, and people who were supposedly my friends kept it from me.

Looks like a long road ahead.
I just found out my ex is fucking some dude, not long after we broke up. I love her, but that is it - my hearts fucking broken, and people who were supposedly my friends kept it from me.

Looks like a long road ahead.

Then fuck some girl. And also look at it from her view, if you broke up with a girl and you knew she took it horribly and you started fucking another girl would you really want her to know?
I don't just fuck people; I prefer intimacy with the woman I love... unfortunately, I only felt that way...

She later took what she said back btw, told me she lied about it.

What kind of a person does that? And based on the fact that she took it back when I became an utter wreck in front of her, what are the chances that she lied to make me feel better?
You should just get over her, find someone who won't dump you. No offense man but I've gone through something similar, and it was you that caused her to leave you, and the only way you can prevent yourself from going through shit like this again is to just get over her and be happy.
well... my story isnt quite as sad because i'm not alone (happily married) and i havent had a recent death ( almost all my families been dead since i was 16) but... i did just break 2 guitar strings and dont get paid 'til next wekk so i'm stuck with a four string guitar... i guess i could try bass....???
I disagree. When a couple is together for a long time, it usually is and exterior thing that drives them apart

That is true. But from what I remember she left him because he was depressed. I guess maybe something on the outside made her not want to be with someone who moped around.
well... my story isnt quite as sad because i'm not alone (happily married) and i havent had a recent death ( almost all my families been dead since i was 16) but... i did just break 2 guitar strings and dont get paid 'til next wekk so i'm stuck with a four string guitar... i guess i could try bass....???

d00d that blows,I see your from NH. Lisbon thats pretty far up north, right? I'd kill to live up north, I've gotta get out of Manchester, place sucks.

And Seraphim, i have no idea what to tell you man that really blows. girls can be really spiteful and insensetive at times, confront her about it, or just try and grit your teeth and put it behind you. thats what i would do at least
Aye, I did - it just seems like it doesn't work; I feel second tier already, and I'm tired of it. If it doesn't change soon, well....

Anyway, I'm sad right now because my eyes and bowels feel like utter shit. I was up till 5am hanging with some guys, and fuck....I'm so damn tired.
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